+0.005 (3.03%)
Volume 112,200
Open 0.165
High 0.170
Low 0.165
Quotes Last Updated: 20/01/2025 05:59 PM
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Price Gain / Loss Calculator

Normal Stock     Loan Stock
Quantity (Lots)
Purchase / Sales Value

Brokerage : %
      Minimum : RM
Clearing Fee : %
      Maximum : RM
Stamp Duty : RM for every RM
      Maximum : RM
Total Transaction Cost
Total Purchase Cost
Net Sales Proceeds

If I make profit of RM . The selling price will be...
If I sell stock at price of RM . The profit / loss of the stock will be...
      1 Lot = 100 Shares.
      Valid quantity range is from 1 lot to 100000 lots.
      Valid price range is from RM0.005 to RM999.500.
      For specific profit in percentage, add % at the end.

Calculation Result:

Purchase Value: X =
Total Purchase Cost: + =

SellDiffSales ValOverheadNet S.PP/LP/L %