My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Registration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 96 Talent training in FY2021 was difficult to be carried out due to the hurdles present for physical training to take place. Virtual training sessions were therefore preferred and carried out because of the changing situations regarding COVID-19. The key focus areas of our training sessions are on safety & health, nurturing positive relationships at work, building a high-performing team, handling conflicts and confrontations effectively, ethics and integrity, time management as well as privacy and security. Analysis of training needs will take place and be measured through Employee Training Metrics to improve effectiveness of the trainings we provide. MYEG conducts these trainings to add to our employees’ skillsets with the hopes of getting a return on our investment, such as: 1. Improved productivity 2. Increased efficiency 3. More accountability 4. Less support being required 5. Opportunities for employee development by tracking personal growth Following is a complete list of FY2021 internal and external training programmes held: r ."*$4" "//6"- $0/'&3&/$& r $PSQPSBUF %JSFDUPST 5SBJOJOH 1SPHSBNNF 'VOEBNFOUBM r $BSFFS %FWFMPQNFOU GPS .BOBHFST r &NQMPZFF .JTDPOEVDU %PNFTUJD *ORVJSZ 1SPDFEVSFT r %FBMJOH 8JUI &NQMPZFFT 0O 1SPMPOHFE *MMOFTT r #SJFàOH PO $07*% 401 r "OUJ #SJCFSZ BOE "OUJ $PSSVQUJPO 'SBNFXPSL r 2VBMJUZ $VTUPNFS 4FSWJDF .JMFT UP .JMFT r .:&( *3 1%1" SFGSFTIFE m -PHJTUJDT 0GàDFS $VTUPNFS 4FSWJDF 0GàDFS USBJOJOH r .:&( *3 1%1" SFGSFTIFE m $3& $4& $PSQPSBUF 4BMFT USBJOJOH r 401 5SBJOJOH GPS 1SJOUJOH %FQBSUNFOU r /FX JOUBLF *OEVDUJPO QSPHSBNNF r 5JQT GPS &YDFMMFOU $VTUPNFS 4FSWJDF STAFF BENEFITS AND REMUNERATION MYEG continues to provide one of the most competitive remuneration packages and benefits in the country as part of its ongoing strategy to attract and retain good talent. Our wage structure carefully takes into account the respective qualifications, skills, experience and capabilities of the job role and talent to form a solid remuneration offer for our talents. Besides wages, benefits of full-time MYEG employees include: Paid sick leave, depending on the period of service r EBZT GPS MFTT UIBO ZFBST r EBZT GPS CFUXFFO ZFBST r EBZT GPS CFUXFFO ZFBST r EBZT GPS NPSF UIBO ZFBST A period up to 60 days is granted if hospitalisation is necessary Maternity leave (60 consecutive days for each confinement period) Paternity leave (2 working days) Marriage leave MATERIALITY MATTERS (CONT’D)