My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 65 SUSTAINABILITY UNSDG UNSDG DESCRIPTION GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS UPCOMING PLANS r Maintained the availability of products and services for all income levels via BELI e-Mart for accessible and affordable groceries and other daily essentials. r $POUJOVFE UP QSPHSFTTJWFMZ close the gap in equality when it comes to remuneration for male and female employees based on their job positions in the company. r Ensured relevant internal employee training modules remained accessible to as many employees as possible. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts r Implemented Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions tracking. r Solidified the Group’s holistic climate change commitments via drafting and enacting MYEG’s new Statement of Commitment to Addressing Climate Change Risks and Impacts. r Aligned climate change initiatives with various governmental and international organisations, including adopting an additional UNSDG 13 related to climate change. r Ensuring climate change is a material topic that comes under the oversight of the Board and Senior Management. r Look into monitoring and disclosing fuel consumption data of our vehicle fleet along with the related emissions. r Consider setting targets for emissions intensity / efficiency targets to improve related climate change impacts management. r Potentially link remuneration to climate change and related sustainability targets. r Explore the innovation of the tokenisation of carbon credits. UNSDG (CONT’D)