My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Registration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 64 UNSDG UNSDG DESCRIPTION GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS UPCOMING PLANS Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. r -FWFSBHFE TPDJPFDPOPNJD trends to introduce vital services that streamline the public and government in their own activities and operations. r #PMTUFSFE CVTJOFTT sustainability by entering new sectors, such as healthcare and blockchain services. r .:&( DPOUJOVFE EFMJWFSJOH financial and non-financial values for stakeholders. This includes growth in revenue and earnings, shareholder dividends and more. r *OEJSFDU DPOUSJCVUJPOT included statutory payments to the government, employees’ salaries, repayments to financiers and development of local supply chains. r 8F DPOUJOVFE UP QSBDUJDF non-discrimination regarding employment. r 8F NBJOUBJOFE FRVBM remuneration, including benefits, for work of equal value. We also continued to pay a living wage to our employees. r 4FFL QPUFOUJBM OFX TFDUPST to enter and bring more timely value to our platform and its consumers. r 'PTUFS BO FOUSFQSFOFVSJBM culture as well as invest in or mentor young entrepreneurs. r &OTVSF BMM TFSWJDFT BOE products offered continue to be maintained for efficiency and timeliness. r "TTJTU JO QSPQBHBUJOH blockhchain utilisation across operating markets, especially Malaysia, through possible governmental collaboration. Reduce inequality within the workforce. r #PMTUFSFE BDDFTTJCJMJUZ PG healthcare and financial services through the relevant e-services to pivot MYEG as platform that aims to reduce inequality in various spaces. r *NQMFNFOUFE BOE participated in a wide range of CSR activities designed to provide socio-economic upliftment for targeted community segments. r $POUJOVFE QSPWJEJOH balanced employment opportunities as an equal opportunity employer. This includes providing opportunities for those who have physical disabilities. r 5P LJDLTUBSU UIF HPWFSONFOU organised PROTÉGÉ ready-to-work programme at MYEG in FY2022. The programme was in development in FY2021. This programme focuses on creating job opportunities by giving candidates onthe-job training with multiple job skills within 6 months in order to reduce inequality in candidates’ skillsets. r 3FEVDF FEVDBUJPO JOFRVBMJUZ through maintaining and expanding education-driven CSR projects. r "MJHO GVUVSF QBSUOFSTIJQT with charities and donation drives to better tackle timely matters such as COVID-19, flood disasters, etc. UNSDG (CONT’D)