My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Registration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 66 Our sustainability governance is a top priority for the Group which is why it is closely monitored by MYEG’s Board. With the sustainability matters being an important agenda for the Board, ESG priorities are also passed through the Board and given to Senior Management as they are in charge of developing future plans when it comes to ESG related matters. Our governance structure is set up in such a way that it promotes the development of our sustainability strategies especially the relation between the Board and Senior Management. For instance, findings by the Senior Management are given to the Board in order for appropriate actions to be acted on which enables more efficient progress of our strategies. When it comes to sustainability, crucial aspects such as health and safety, the environment, human rights, business ethics and many more are all considered. Due to the importance of these topics, sustainability matters are handled at the top to ensure standards are maintained and continuous improvement and development take place in this area. In FY2021, we further bolstered our commitment to strong governance in sustainability by establishing our SWG. The SWG composes of members drawn mainly from the Risk Management Working Group (“RMWG”) with the addition of representatives from the Corporate Department, given the close correlation between sustainability and risk management functions at MYEG. We may revisit this composition from time to time upon the consensus of all existing members to enable it to discharge its duties in the most effective and efficient manner, and we may also invite other Group employees and / or executives or any external professional advisors / consultants to participate in any meetings, if needed. Meetings occur no less than once every 3 months. We have extensively mapped out the key responsibilities of the SWG which include: r 5P FOTVSF BOE FOBCMF UIF FGGFDUJWF JNQMFNFOUBUJPO PG UIF $PNQBOZ T TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ TUSBUFHJFT BOE QMBOT r 5P EFWFMPQ JNQMFNFOU NPOJUPS BOE SFWJFX UIF TUSBUFHJFT QMBOT BOE JOJUJBUJWFT SFMBUFE UP TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ NBUUFST TP as to ensure the Company’s sustainability objectives are met. r 5P JEFOUJGZ LFZ BSFBT GPS JNQSPWFNFOU SFMBUFE UP UIF $PNQBOZ T &4( QFSGPSNBODF BOE FOTVSF UIF OFDFTTBSZ BOE relevant measures are executed in response. r 5P SFWJFX BOE BTTFTT UIF BEFRVBDZ BOE FGGFDUJWFOFTT PG UIF $PNQBOZ T TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ TUSBUFHZ BOE NFBTVSFT against the relevant broader industry, national and international best practices. r 5P CF FRVJQQFE XJUI TVGàDJFOU VOEFSTUBOEJOH BOE LOPXMFEHF PG TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ JTTVFT UIBU BSF SFMFWBOU UP the Company and its business, so as to discharge its role effectively. In this connection, where relevant and necessary, identify and engage the expertise of external industry professionals for the provision of training, consultation or advice. r 5P TUBZ VQEBUFE PO UIF LFZ USFOET BOE EFWFMPQNFOUT OBUJPOBMMZ PS JOUFSOBUJPOBMMZ JO SFMBUJPO UP DPSQPSBUF &4( standards, best practices, regulations and laws, and to ensure risks and opportunities arising therefrom are adequately addressed. r 5P FOTVSF UIF $PNQBOZ T TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ QFSGPSNBODF BOE EJTDMPTVSFT NFFU UIF TUBOEBSET SFRVJSFE GPS JODMVTJPO JO the key investment indexes and to achieve a satisfactory score by leading international rating bodies. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE