My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 63 SUSTAINABILITY UNSDG (CONT’D) UNSDG UNSDG DESCRIPTION GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS UPCOMING PLANS Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. r 5IF (SPVQ IBT DPOUJOVFE to practise fair labour recruitment practices. r .:&( SFNBJOT ESJWFO to value, stimulate and proactively foster equal opportunity in the workplace, and has worked to grant equal opportunities in leadership roles for women in the workforce. r 8F DPOUJOVF PCTFSWJOH [FSP tolerance approach to sexual harassment and bullying by creating a safe channel for employees to report cases of ethical misconduct without being exposed or dismissed. Appropriate actions were taken to address and mitigate proven cases. r *OUSPEVDJOH OFX BOE FGàDJFOU safety measures for women in the workplace. r 1PUFOUJBMMZ FOIBODF UIF accessibility our grievance mechanism. r &OTVSF PVS GFNBMF employees’ full and effective participation, as well as granting equal opportunities, for leadership roles at all decision-making levels. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. r .:&( DPOEVDUFE BO internship programme for various departments. r .:&( DPOUSJCVUFE RM548,254.04 in levy for Human Resource Development Funds. r 1SPWJEFE UFBN NFNCFST with training relevant to their job-related skills and also motivational training (please refer to Talent Training and Development section for more data). r 1SPWJEFE FEVDBUJPO GPS sustainable development by providing related training to all employees regarding this topic. r 0SHBOJTFE $43 CBTFE education initiatives. r &YQBOE UIF CVEHFU GPS employee training and development and include more training modules to foster a more holistic workforce. r 'PSN SFMBUJPOTIJQT XJUI government entities and higher education institutions to better align with business and CSR goals, including responsible management. r $SFBUF NPSF USBJOJOH initiatives (e.g. internships, work-study programmes, traineeships, etc.) that give students earlier access and exposure to the corporate working environment. r 1SPWJEF FNQMPZFFT XJUI continuous on-the-job opportunities to improve their job-related skills for their current and future employment and promotion. r %FWFMPQ DPTU FGGFDUJWF education products and services that eliminate barriers to access and improve quality learning experiences (e.g. ICT solutions to improve the delivery of education, innovative measurement tools, etc.).