My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Registration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 62 FY2021 saw MYEG continue its adaptation of UNSDGs whilst also looking to obtain the following goals as shown below. Our target to meet these goals are displayed in our achievement and highlights section and our next steps of development are also shown in this table. The table below showcases brief descriptions of the highlights and achievements made in each adopted goal in FY2021: UNSDG UNSDG DESCRIPTION GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS UPCOMING PLANS Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The Group: r &OUFSFE UIF IFBMUIDBSF TFDUPS through the introduction of e-services such as MySafeQ, MySafeTravel, MYEGuard, and a one-stop COVID-19 health screening portal. r *OUSPEVDFE UIF $07*% breath test system as an alternative in aiding mass testing. r 1BSUOFSFE XJUI "OIVJ ;IJGFJ Longcom Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to help contribute to the vaccine supply for Malaysia. r &YQMPSJOH UIF QPTTJCJMJUZ PG vaccine traceability system with partner corporations. r $POUJOVFE UP GBDJMJUBUF BOE invest in affordable medicine and healthcare insurance for all employees. For employees and the community, we ensured: r 0SHBOJTFE B CMPPE donation campaign to promote awareness on the responsibility to help others. r 1SPWJEFE QPTUFST F NBJM notifications / health tips on spreading awareness of practising self-cleanliness to better prevent COVID-19 infections. r $PNQMJBODF XJUI MFHBM requirements and safe work procedures related to COVID-19 prevention. r 4VJUBCMF 11& JT QSPWJEFE UP employees according to their work needs and complied with the latest SOP related to COVID-19 mitigation. r &NQMPZFFT IBE UIF PQUJPO to work from home (“WFH”) when necessary. r Explore potential services and systems to introduce through our platform to the public, via partnerships and collaborations. r Encourage health-related initiatives for our employees and for corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) activities. r Provide daily or weekly health tips to all employees through e-mail. r Maintain informational platforms that inform employees on relevant health information and selfdevelopment tips. UNSDG