Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Section 1 | About Our Report 12 Capitals Explanation APPROVAL BY THE BOARD 6 CAPITALS Our accumulated and evolving organisational capital of more than 28 years in business is a demonstration of both our intellectual and strategic capabilities to sustain our business and competitive position in the marketplace where we operate. We participated actively in research and development while continuously seeking industry best practices by moving into the realm of digital transformation such as the IR 4.0. Our committed, highly-skilled and experienced professional workforce has enabled us to win numerous Excellent Customer Service Award from our clients. Our quest for intellectual commitment and diligent by continuously improving and innovating our business processes in numerous ISO accreditations and licences owned by the Group has enabled us to be ranked third among the Top 100 Oil and Gas Services Equipment (“OGSE”) Companies in Malaysia for Year 2019 by the Malaysian Petroleum Resources Corporation. We strive to create and promote a conducive environment to ensure all our staff are treated fairly, and their aspirations and goals are nurtured and realised. We promoted work-life balance among our staff through various sports and games, including participation in sporting events organised by other parties. As a responsible and caring corporate citizen, we contributed to local and international communities in terms of manpower, provides personal protective equipment (PPE) for the healthcare sector as well as monetary donations to charitable and supporting bodies. We are the anchor for our own in-house vendor development programme to nurture and grow emerging vendors and suppliers. Our good mutual business relationships with all our stakeholders as well as joint venture and business partners have contributed to our good social standing and relationship within the local and international community. The Board acknowledges its responsibility to ensure that the report issuedwill enable stakeholders tomake informed decisions. The Board approved this report and authorised its release on 30 December 2021. Intellectual Capital Social and Relationship Capital