My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 75 SUSTAINABILITY When looking at materiality matters, this is typically referring to events that bear both direct and indirect impact of MYEG’S values and considers it from an economic, environmental and social perspective (“EES”). These EES come into play during identification of material matters by the Board since aspects such as risk assessment and stakeholder engagement are categorised using EES. Materiality matters can potentially affect MYEG’s ability to remain sustainable. Due to this, we have to prioritise certain matters with a strategic mindset and understand certain matters carry more importance than others. Prioritisation is necessary and more efficient in this case. Our list of material topics continues to be unchanged from the previous year, as the pandemic’s persistence in FY2021 impeded the Group’s abilities to explore new material topics. Thus, the Group had resolved to focus on alreadyestablished materiality matters that the Group has continuously strived to make headway in. Stakeholder engagement remains a crucial aspect when it comes to the approach we take in identifying and addressing materiality topics. Throughout our addresses on these topics, it is clear that stakeholder engagement remains a top priority for MYEG. ECONOMIC DIRECT ECONOMIC VALUE CREATED During FY2021, there had been signs of improvement in terms of how the COVID-19 pandemic was being dealt with. The economy itself is going through a rebound phase and MYEG has been able to prosper despite not being too badly affected the previous year. Our healthcare-related services have continued to be used extensively and our commercial services have also been in demand. An improved financial and operational performance in FY2021 are the results of this. Kindly refer to the Management Discussion and Analysis section of this report for specific details on business and financial performance. Below are some of our direct economic values created in FY2021: MATERIALITY MATTERS RM320.68 million Profit Before Tax and RM316.71 million Profit After Tax 1.03 sen Final Dividend RM75.82 million Cash and Cash Equivalents RM1.88 billion Total Assets RM721.88 million Total Revenue