Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2023

As of FY2023, there have been no complaints regarding human rights violations. (Source: Corporate Services) TYPE OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED IN FY2023 STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS LABOUR PRACTICES AND STANDARDS (CONT’D) OUR PERFORMANCE (CONT’D) Technical 66% Safety 2% Personal Development 0% Leadership 20% Regulatory/ Compliance 12% Technical Leadership Regulatory/Compliance Safety Personal Development DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION OUR APPROACH Workforce diversity is a source of varying skills, mindsets and experiences, enriching our grasp on stakeholder expectations and providing us with a competitive advantage among REITs. Recognising this, the Manager is committed to cultivating a culture of equal access to opportunities where every individual can fully realise their potential, propelling the Fund’s collective innovative capabilities. We persist in developing an inclusive workplace environment that ensures merit-based career advancement opportunities and promotes employee collaboration to harness the inventiveness of our workforce. The success of this endeavour hinges on strengthening mutual respect and understanding among employees. Therefore, Al-‘Aqar REIT actively respects and values each employee, encouraging them to report any instance of discrimination to the Human Resource department which promptly addresses such issues. Moreover, gender diversity remains a focal point of our business strategy, and we steadily work towards supplementing women’s representation among our leadership. Aligning with the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (“MCCG”), our objective is to achieve a minimum of 30% women directors. 69 SUSTAINABILLITY STATEMENTS 1 2 4 5 6 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2023