My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Regisration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 36 OUR BUSINESS MODEL (CONT’D) The business model also provides entrepreneurial opportunities for small and medium enterprises to flourish in various JOEVTUSJFT TVDI BT UISPVHI .:&( $BQJUBM BOE #&-* JO UIF NBSLFUT XF PQFSBUF JO BT XFMM BT DSFBUFT B XJEF SBOHF PG KPCT UP TQVS MPDBM TPDJP FDPOPNJD EFWFMPQNFOU BOE QSPTQFSJUZ 5IF .BMBZTJBO HPWFSONFOU IBT CFOFàUUFE WJB UIF FGàDJFOU DPMMFDUJPO PG WBSJPVT UBYFT $07*% UFTU QBZNFOUT RVBSBOUJOF TUBUJPO DIBSHFT BOE NPSF XIJDI BSF NBEF QPTTJCMF UISPVHI PVS F TFSWJDFT &GGFDUJWFMZ .:&( IBT BOE DPOUJOVFT UP NBLF B TJHOJàDBOU DPOUSJCVUJPO UPXBSET OBUJPO CVJMEJOH BOE UIF DPOUJOVFE TPDJP FDPOPNJD QSPTQFSJUZ PG UIF OBUJPO BOE JUT people, especially in its new designated role as an essential services provider amidst the pandemic situation. 1SPHSFTTJWFMZ .:&( IBT MFWFSBHFE PO JUT QMBUGPSN UP WFOUVSF JOUP OFX BSFBT 5IJT JODMVEFT UIF IFBMUIDBSF TFDUPS POF TUPQ $07*% IFBMUI TDSFFOJOH QPSUBM .Z4BGF5SBWFM .Z4BGF2 BOE .Z&(VBSE BVUPNPUJWF TFDUPS WFIJDMFT BVDUJPO BOE sales), FinTech (provision of vehicle hire purchase and other financing solutions) and others. The Group remains sensitive of market requirements and continues to offer solutions that best meet local context and requirements, especially in contributing to the fight against the pandemic during this period.