My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

MATERIALITY MATTERS (cont’d) SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT MYEG’s main approach in addressing climate change is based on TCFD’s 4 pillars, which are: Governance Establishing the necessary leadership oversight for climate change, including Board and Senior Management’s roles in addressing climate change impacts on the business model. Strategy Formulate effective strategies and deploying necessary resouces towards reducing energy consumption and emissions across Scopes One, Two, and Three; which may include a progressive adoption of renewable energy (“RE”); This includes leveraging blockchain technologies to develop products and solutions that would facilitate the reduction of Carbon footprints across business sectors and in society. Risk Management For the Group to disclose how it identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks including physical, tranitional, legal and reputational risks and how climate risks are integrated into the overall risk management framework. Metrics and Targets Setting supportive business / operational KPIs and targets to measure related performance towards the realisation of MYEG’s Zero Carbon by 2050 goal. Additionally, the Group is committed to further aligning its management approach towards setting up and accomplishing the relevant climate change Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These include: KPI METRIC RATIONALE Fuel Consumption Intensity Total direct fuel consumption (in litres) per annum / Group revenue per annum Fuel consumption results in the production of vehicle emissions that include air pollutants and GHG which contribute to climate change. Any expansion of delivery fleets will be cognisant of the need to set KPIs to limit and monitor the overall fuel consumption, and at the same time, reduce MYEG’s negative impact on the environment. Electricity Consumption intensity Total electricity consumption (in MWh) per annum excluding electricity generated from RE / revenue per annum MYEG’s primary source of energy consumption is electricity and that is why it is deemed the most material to the Group. By setting targets for electricity consumption and implementing energy efficiency initiatives, the Group can reduce the fossil fuels burned to generate electricity and limit GHG emissions. Scope One Emissions Intensity Emissions attributed to fuel consumption (Tonnes CO 2e) / revenue By setting targets for Scope 1 emissions, the Group can collectively work towards reducing direct emissions from sources owned by the Group, which include emissions produced from our facilities and vehicles. Additionally, to minimise the risk from carbon pricing mechanism. Scope Two Emissions Intensity Emissions attributed to electricity consumption (Tonnes CO 2e) / revenue By setting targets for Scope 2 emissions, MYEG can focus on reducing the indirect emissions produced by the Group. This involves forms of purchased energy. For MYEG, this would primarily involve electricity and also other indirect energy consumed by the Group. The Group ultimately sees innovation as critical to unlocking solutions towards decarbonisation and therefore also aims to leverage on Web3 technologies as a key enabler towards realising a carbon-free future, not just in its own businesses, but at the wider national and global level as well. 91