My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

MATERIALITY MATTERS (cont’d) In FY2022, we experienced a slight rise in Scope 1 emissions (7.7% increase year-on-year). This can be attributed to the rise in the Group’s fuel consumption, in which we have explained the reasoning for this fuel consumption increase in the previous paragraph. MYEG remains determined on its continued journey towards the goal of reducing its emissions in the future. Total energy consumption of the Group is shown here: Total Energy Consumption (GigaJoules) 15,000 10,000 5000 0 20,000 FY2021 14,207.53 FY2020 13,031.93 FY2022 16,318.81 CARBON REDUCTION MILESTONES AND TARGETS MYEG has committed to a target of Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. In line with its Zero Carbon commitment, MYEG is reviewing all aspects of its business model and operations towards realising the set target as shown here: 50% Carbon Reduction by 2035 Zero Carbon 2050 Managing and mitigating climate change impacts as well as initiating any related targets, policies and plans are aligned with the following frameworks and guidelines: r United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Change r Bank Negara Malaysia: Climate Change and Principle-based Taxonomy r Global Compact Malaysia (MyClimate Action Guide) r Malaysian Government’s National Policy on Climate Change r Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) 90