My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Key SWG Responsibilities r 5P EFWFMPQ JNQMFNFOU NPOJUPS BOE SFWJFX UIF TUSBUFHJFT QMBOT BOE JOJUJBUJWFT SFMBUFE UP sustainability matters so as to ensure the Company’s sustainability objectives are met. r 5P JEFOUJGZ LFZ BSFBT GPS JNQSPWFNFOU SFMBUFE UP UIF $PNQBOZ T FOWJSPONFOU TPDJBM BOE governance performance, and ensure the necessary and relevant measures are executed in response. r 5P SFWJFX BOE BTTFTT UIF BEFRVBDZ BOE FGGFDUJWFOFTT PG UIF $PNQBOZ T TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ strategies and measures against the relevant broader industry, national and international best practices. r 5P CF FRVJQQFE XJUI TVGàDJFOU VOEFSTUBOEJOH BOE LOPXMFEHF PG TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ JTTVFT UIBU are relevant to the Company and its business, so as to discharge its role effectively. In this connection, where relevant and necessary, to identify and engage the expertise of external industry professionals for the provision of training, consultation or advice. r 5P TUBZ VQEBUFE PO UIF LFZ USFOET BOE EFWFMPQNFOUT OBUJPOBMMZ PS JOUFSOBUJPOBMMZ JO relation to corporate environment, social and governance standards, best practices, SFHVMBUJPOT BOE MBXT BOE UP FOTVSF SJTLT BOE PQQPSUVOJUJFT BSJTJOH UIFSFGSPN BSF adequately addressed. r 5P FOTVSF UIF $PNQBOZ T TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ QFSGPSNBODF BOE EJTDMPTVSFT NFFU UIF TUBOEBSET SFRVJSFE GPS JODMVTJPO JO UIF LFZ JOWFTUNFOU JOEFYFT BOE UP BDIJFWF B TBUJTGBDUPSZ TDPSF by leading international rating bodies. In FY2022, the key activities undertaken by the SWG include organising a training workshop on Integrated Reporting, including Sustainability Reporting, that was attended by a majority of the Board as well as Senior Management personnel, among others. The SWG also spearheaded and facilitated the drafting and subsequent adoption of the Group’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, which was articulated in the Statement of Commitment to Addressing Climate Change Risks and Impacts. MYEG has a dedicated Audit Committee (“AC”) and Risk Management Committee (“RMC”), which can be referred to the Group’s “Corporate Governance Report (“CG Report”) or the Corporate Governance Overview Statement (“CG Overview Statement”) section of this Annual Report for more information. Our CG Report also covers detailed disclosures related to MYEG’s corporate governance. It is available for download at BOARD COMPOSITION MYEG nurtures a varied array of top leadership perspectives in its Board composition that consists of qualified individuals of wide-ranging experience, knowledge and professional backgrounds. This healthy Board diversity allows the emergence of various viewpoints that can lead to a stronger and more informed perception that enhances strategic decision-making and leadership prowess. MYEG currently has an approximately 30% representation of women on the Board, with two female Board directors. The Board believes the current composition has the necessary skills and competencies to effectively discharge their duties and responsibilities. Moving forward, to align with the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance’s (“MCCG”) target of having at least 30% women directors on the Board for listed issuers, the Board will maintain a register of potential directors that includes high-calibre female candidates to be appointed when needed. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE (cont’d) 67