My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

MYEG’s sustainability governance remains a leading priority for the Group and it is thoroughly monitored by the Group’s Board. The Board is responsible for deliberating on sustainability and ESG priorities, which will then be integrated into the Group’s strategies, operations and key targets. The results of these deliberations are communicated to MYEG’s Senior Management, who will then embrace and adhere to these ESG priorities when developing future plans. The high importance of material sustainability matters is the primary reason why these matters are handled at the top, to ensure that standards are maintained. Continuous improvement and development take place on these material matters when necessary. The Group’s sustainability governance structure is set up to promote the development of MYEG’s sustainability strategies, and its effectiveness largely stems from the strong linkages between the different groups involved within the structure. Here is MYEG’s sustainability governance structure: WHO SENIOR MANAGEMENT SUSTAINABILITY WORKING GROUP BUSINESS UNITS & DIVISION HEADS WORKING LEVEL BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUSTAINABILITY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Deliberates and determines the Group’s sustainability strategies and policies with a focus on ESG aspects. Implement the plan in their respective job functions. Reviews sustainability-related information and presents it to the Board. Oversees the overall strategy implementation process. Collate sustainability-related information against measurable indicators. Operationalise the plan in the respective business units and divisions. Prepares, collectively or through a designated member, updates as well as advises senior leadership and / or the Board on its activities when requested. Develops, implements, monitors and reviews the strategies, plans and initiatives related to sustainability matters. Notably, the Sustainability Working Group (“SWG”) is a key internal driver of the Group’s ESG agenda within the sustainability governance structure. The SWG serves an important role in ensuring and enabling the effective implementation of MYEG’s sustainability strategies and plans by strategically cascading the Board and Senior Management’s ESG implementations to the supervisory and working levels of the Group. SWG consists of members from Senior Management and Head of Departments from various functions, who also take part in Risk Management Committee meetings, given the close correlation between sustainability and risk management functions at MYEG. The Group may revisit this composition from time to time upon the consensus of all existing members to enable it to discharge its duties in the most effective and efficient manner. We may also invite other Group employees and / or executives or any external professional advisors / consultants to participate in any meetings, if needed. SWG meetings occur no less than once every 3 months. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE 66