My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

UNSDG (cont’d) UNSDG UNSDG DESCRIPTION GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS UPCOMING PLANS Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation r Successfully launched the Sukuk Wakalah Programme which would, in some capacity, help finance the groundwork for more foreign hostels to be built with green infrastructure capacities in mind. r More foreign worker hostels will be built based on the relevant green building standards, such as being equipped with specific models of refrigerant gas that has a lower impact on global warming, adoption of rainwater harvesting and storage systems to increase resource-use efficiency. Reduce inequality within the workforce. r Bolstered accessibility of healthcare and financial services through relevant e-services to pivot MYEG as a platform that aims to reduce inequality in key spaces. r Launched the governmentorganised PROTÉGÉ ready-towork programme at MYEG in FY2022. The programme focuses on creating job opportunities by giving candidates on-the-job training with multiple job skills within six months to reduce inequality in candidates’ skill sets. r Implemented and participated in various CSR activities designed to provide socio-economic improvement for targeted community segments. r Continued to provide balanced employment opportunities as an equal opportunity employer, including providing opportunities to those with physical disabilities. r Maintained the availability of products and services for all income levels via BELI e-Mart by providing accessible and affordable groceries and other daily essentials. r Continued to progressively close the gap in equality when it comes to remuneration for male and female employees based on their job positions in the company. r Ensured relevant internal employee training modules remained accessible to as many employees as possible. r Align future partnerships with charitable organisations and donation drives to better tackle timely matters such as COVID-19, flood disasters, etc. r Provide consistent support to the government-organised PROTÉGÉ programme at MYEG. r Actively seek to make accessible and inclusive hybrid work communication channels permanent, with digital or face-toface communication available to all employees, to foster a cohesive and equal work environment. 64