My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Registration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 88 In the future, we hope to include emissions intensity data as a measure against revenues. In addition, the Group is looking into the feasibility of purchasing carbon credits to offset emissions towards achieving a carbon neutral status, which may also include leveraging on blockchain technologies to contribute towards the long-term development of carbon credit markets in the region. Potential innovations of tokenising carbon credits may also be looked at, as this approach would hopefully enable smaller to mid-sized firms to also participate in carbon credit mechanisms, instead of only large-scale corporations. The Board is also considering setting targets for emissions intensity / efficiency to better manage climate changerelated impacts. The Board may also consider linking remuneration to the achievement of climate change and other sustainability targets for further incentive-based remunerations to drive sustainability achievements. While the Group has not participated in industry initiatives or collaborative efforts related to the environment or climate change so far, it plans to do so in the near future. ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT MANAGEMENT The Environmental Policy we have established has the aim of reducing our impact on the environment whilst also making the most out of the resources available to us in an environmentally friendly method. To display this, there is Environmental Policy together with Waste Management and Recycling Statement established. In addition, these policies help give a better understanding to both our own employees and any external stakeholders we have. Our full Environmental Policy together with Waste Management and Recycling Statement can be downloaded at The policy has been cascaded across our entire organisation, beginning at MYEG Tower to set best practices standards. These policy measures consist of: MATERIALITY MATTERS (CONT’D) Switching off lights when not in use (during lunch hour and end of work) Editing documents on computers before printing Printers set to print double sided as default to save paper Printing only when necessary Shutting down computers and switching off appliences when not in use Encouraging the use of coffee mugs rather than single-use or disposable cups Unplugging machines at the end of work day Encouraging reuse of products and packaging to prolog its useful life and delay disposal