My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 99 SUSTAINABILITY EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Due to restrictions on the holding of physical events, our employee engagement initiatives and events in FY2021 were limited to say the least. Despite this, information regarding updated SOP’s were communicated in an effective manner. Nevertheless, the increased distribution of vaccines more recently has allowed for more physical events to take place with less stringent COVID-19 control measures. It is hoped the easing of restrictions would mean that our employee engagement efforts can be carried out more frequently in the near future. This form of communication and interaction is key for MYEG in improving the relationship between employees and managers. In FY2021 MYEG participated in two blood donation campaigns in March and September respectively. We were also involved in a food distribution campaign during Ramadan as part of our CSR. We ensured that strict adherence to the SOPs took place and we constantly reminded our participants of these policies. MYEG were not able to organise employee engagement activities due to the MCO and this has limited our physical activities especially with many people adopting to WFH. We hope that in FY2022 we are able to carry out more of these activities. More details of this engagement are in our Community Investment section of this Sustainability Statement. WORKFORCE INCLUSIVITY AND DIVERSITY The workforce at MYEG consists of a wide and diverse range of employees that come from different backgrounds and cultures. The Group prefers to have various perspectives when it comes to our decision making process as this keeps a certain standard in our workplace culture. Within our recruitment process, we have a Non-discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that we strictly adhere to. We aim to represent all values and cultures within the Group and maintain our core hiring principles when it comes to our recruitment process with no forms of discrimination or bias being present. We also promote a variety of initiatives to encourage equal opportunity and diversity within MYEG which consisted of: r &ODPVSBHJOH UIF DFMFCSBUJPO PG DVMUVSBM IPMJEBZT SFNJOEJOH FNQMPZFFT UP CF NJOEGVM PG SFMJHJPVT FWFOUT BOE SFDPHOJTJOH holidays of different cultures by sending an acknowledgement e-mail on every religious event. r 'PTUFSJOH NVUVBM SFTQFDU BNPOHTU .:&( FNQMPZFFT SFHBSEJOH JUT EJWFSTF FUIOJDJUZ CZ DSFBUJOH B XPSLJOH FOWJSPONFOU in which everyone feels welcomed, impartially treated and fully supported to achieve their best. r .BOBHJOH EJWFSTJUZ BOE FRVBMJUZ JT FNCFEEFE JO PVS QFSGPSNBODF BQQSBJTBM BQQSPBDI " QFSGPSNBODF BQQSBJTBM JT conducted to enhance managerial and organisational performance, alongside employees’ motivation. r 3FDSVJUJOH BOE SFUBJOJOH QFPQMF XJUI EJTBCJMJUJFT BOE HJWJOH FRVBM FNQMPZNFOU PQQPSUVOJUJFT XIJMTU BMTP DBUFSJOH UP UIFJS needs. For instance, we offer disabled parking spots and lift services for people with disabilities. MYEG also provides a WFH alternative for members with disabilities. The following constitutes our workforce breakdown by gender, citizenship, contract type, age and job category: MATERIALITY MATTERS (CONT’D) Workforce Breakdown by Gender (%) 70% 40% 60% 60% 40% Female Male 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2020 2021