2022 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

p.179 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT p.178 UEM EDGENTA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2022 During the year in review, a total of 1,700 employees participated in this programme, accumulating a total of 13,110 learning hours. In addition, we successfully generated 159 new business ideas through the programme, with 12 ideas being shortlisted for further evaluation on feasibility of implementation. With that, the programme has achieved its objective of fostering a culture of innovation among our employees, while also making an indirect impact by significantly increasing awareness on the benefits of learning and self-improvement. This is evidenced by all departments reporting that 95%-100% of their employees have fulfilled their dedicated learning hours through our training platforms and modules. Overall, the Group has targeted an engagement score of 67% to 71% and achieved an actual score of 71%. Further to this, we have also earmarked enhancements to our Employee Engagement Survey whereby our Engagement Score will be increased gradually over the next few years. This will enable us to better capture the real issues that our employees face and ensure we take the right actions in response. Moving forward to 2023, UEM shall continue our emphasis on developing the capabilities of Edgenta Stars with programmes tailored to their essential workplace job competencies and to support and enable our human capital to perform at the optimum level. Additionally, there will be a greater focus in upholding our sustainability aspiration around human rights whereby more awareness and education programmes will be conducted across the organisation. Lastly, we are committed to provide a positive and meaningful working experience for Edgenta Stars across all employee levels and shall continue to enhance our engagement initiatives. HR Roadshow P enghayatan Maulidur Rasul B adminton Tournament E dgenta Chinese New Year Celebration L aunch of Edgenta WoW W ebinar: Green Homes Programme B eing A Good Listener To Those Around You Crisis Comm H ari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia H elping Children Build Their Emotions H ow to Stay Fashion Forward N o Pain, No Gain and Get Leaner T he Month of Giving LIST OF EMPLOYEES ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 2022 SOCIAL VALUE CREATION SOCIAL VALUE CREATION E dgenta Raya Open House UEM Edgenta Sports Recreational Club activities Swimming Class P aintball Game R unning Clinic F IRST Recognition Programme F IRST Immersion Session with International Business H ari Hipertensi Sedunia H eart to Heart Ensuring Our Heart Is Safe H ow to Achieve Self- Empowerment I ntermittent Fasting R amadhan Ready, Set, Go! T he Ways to Manage Your Pets Engaging our employees Our employee engagement activities are primarily anchored on achieving a holistic sense of wellness across physical, emotional, financial, workplace and environmental dimensions, through which we aim to motivate a pool of committed, competent and content individuals. One of our key initiatives is the Edgenta Innovation Programme. The programme consists of three main components - the Idea Bank, the Innovation Passport Learning Series and the Innovation Month – with the primary intention of inspiring our employees to drive innovation in their work. In doing so, the programme encourages our employees to look beyond their daily work routines and explore innovation in areas that may have an impact personally and to the wider ecosystem of the Group. In addition, the programme is equipped with elements that are designed to trigger the development of ideas, stimulate organic self-motivation and encourage a sense of inclusivity. Therefore, it has the potential to not only have a constructive impact on our employees but also to positively influence our stakeholders.