2022 UEM Edgenta Annual Report

HSSE Manual A s part of our efforts to drive consistency and coherence in health and safety standards across the Group, we have developed and implemented eleven HSSE manuals to date, with three more manuals currently in the pipeline (covering Health, Security and Environment). T he manuals (covering Health, Safety and Environment) will be disseminated across our operations in Malaysia and also introduced to our operations in UAE, Taiwan and Singapore to achieve cohesive adoption of health and safety measures. POLICY MANUAL PROCEDURES & WORK INSTRUCTIONS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Provides key details on the structure, scope, procedures and policies of HSSE. Besides, other manuals will state the minimum mandatory requirements for application across the Group Provide templates for forms, checklists and any other tools which aid the implementation of key processes or facilitate the compliance of requirement (This exist at all business levels.) Provides an overall guide to the Group's policies and procedures, while representing its commitment to health and safety Provide clear information to ensure that the Group's policies and procedures on HSSE are comprehended, adhered and executed. HSSE MANUAL STRUCTURE HSSE Governance Structure Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification Our oversight on HSSE related matters is ultimately led and governed by the Board, whereby the Board oversees, assesses and deliberates on all relevant issues on a quarterly basis. Besides, our MD/CEO is elected as the designated person at the board level to provide leadership and focus in managing and integrating the element of health and safety within our strategies, decisions and actions. T he governance structure is further supported at the working level by our HSSE Committees, which have been established at each operational site. The committee meets periodically through monthly meetings and weekly (ad-hoc) meetings when deemed necessary to deliberate and act upon any occupational health and safety issues. Q uarterly Perintis Council meetings are also held for contractors to discuss and bring forth any health and safety related issues to the committee. Besides, in order to lead the day-to-day monitoring of our HSSE performance, our Head of QE & HSSE has been tasked to: • Develop an annual HSSE plan which is aligned with objectives and targets of the Group at addressing HSSE; • Provide key and consistent communication on our HSSE related objectives, targets and plans; • Identify and assess key HSSE Critical Positions for Technical Authorities; • Compile, review and submit HSSE related performance data to each business division; • Implement and maintain a HSSE assurance plan for each business division; • Establish and ascertain the competency of independent leads on HSSE audit; and • Identify and form the members of the HSSE audit team. A s part of our approach to hazard identification, we currently adopt several methodologies and procedures including the bowtie methodology, Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (“HIRARC”) procedures, Job Hazard Analysis (“JHA”), Ergonomic Risk Assessment (“ERA”), Chemical Health Risk Assessment (“CHRA”), Noise Risk Assessment (“NRA”), document reviews, audits and incident reviews. F or each approach mentioned, we assign competent and qualified personnel to perform the relevant tasks. This may include our Safety and Health Officer (“SHO”), Site Safety Supervisor (“SSS”), certified Environmental Profesionals In Scheduled Waste Management (“CEPSWAM”), Ergonomic Trained Persons or Occupational Health Doctors (“OHD”), according to the type of reviews being conducted. T he Group currently utilises a reporting platform (BenchmarkESG) to notify, report, monitor and review any incidences relating to unsafe acts or conditions, perform health and safety risk management, carry out audit reviews and other relevant activities. T he results, analysis and recommendations from the reporting of such incidences are then presented through our HSSE structure on a bi-weekly basis as part of our HSSE reporting exercise. F or on-the-job safety hazard avoidance and precautionary processes, we have implemented various procedures such as the Consequence Management, 12 Life Saving Rules and several “do’s and dont’s” guidelines for specific operational activities. SAFETY AUDIT In 2022, we continued to perform safety audits as part of ensuring compliance to workplace safety. In contrast to the previous year, the number of Gemba Walk participants from our Infrastructure, Healthcare, and Property & Facility Solutions division increased from 77 to 132. The amount of final audits for 6S increased from 39 (year 2021) to 66 (year 2022). The results and findings from the audits were recorded on the BenchmarkESG, which is an AI-driven Safety, Health and Environment incident reporting platform. It enables the Group to perform a root cause analysis which facilitate a faster implementation of any corrective and preventive actions (“CAPAs”). Our control measures are monitored closely by site HSE personnel through trainings and supervision as well as the use of tools such as the PPE Matrix. In addition, regular compliance audit and inspections are also carried out by HSE personnel to ensure the effectiveness of our control measures. I n overall, our risk assessment on health and safety is performed to provide coverage on our defined focus areas as well as our existing operations or projects. 2021 77 132 2022 GEMBA WALK 2021 39 66 2022 6S SOCIAL VALUE CREATION SOCIAL VALUE CREATION p.152 p.153 UEM EDGENTA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT