Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2023

STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS LABOUR PRACTICES AND STANDARDS (CONT’D) OUR APPROACH Human Rights and Labour Standards The Fund is cognisant of the potential social impacts that may arise over the course of our day-to-day REIT activities and business partnerships. Consequently, we proactively address human rights issues, maintaining a steadfast zero-tolerance stance against modern slavery and child labour within the REIT and our supply chains. The Fund also abides by the Malaysian Labour Laws, including the Employment Act 1955, and expects those collaborating with us or working on our behalf to comply with these regulations. Thus, we carefully balance safeguarding human rights values with generating mutual stakeholder benefits. In FY2023, we conducted a training programme on workplace sexual harassment to raise awareness, inform employees about reporting procedures and foster mutual respect among the workforce. Posters were displayed across the workplace to serve as visual aids, reinforcing a respectful and inclusive work environment. Prior to implementing significant operational changes, employees receive an advanced notice of a minimum of two to four weeks. This communication ensures that employees have sufficient time to adapt and prepare for the upcoming changes. Human Capital Development At Al-‘Aqar REIT, our human capital development strategy revolves around building employee capacity, implementing succession planning, encouraging leadership development and maintaining effective performance management. This strategy is implanted at every level, with the Manager collaborating closely with our leaders, operation teams and business managers to drive our growth strategy and meet constantly evolving workforce expectations. By providing opportunities for employees to develop both their technical and personal skills, we prepare them for future roles, ensuring the Fund cultivates and retains talent over the long term. To further contribute to their personal development and skill management, the Manager utilises regular performance reviews for our employees with defined performance metrics. Performance reviews ensure employee career satisfaction and serve as motivational incentives for staff to perform efficiently and productively. Furthermore, we conducted an employee survey to gather valuable insights, aiding us in making informed decisions to improve employee satisfaction, enhance engagement, and bolster overall organisational effectiveness. ESG TRAINING PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED IN FY2023 Bursa Malaysia’s enhanced sustainability reporting requirements Green House Gas (GHG) Training Assessment - Scope 1, 2 & 3 Bursa Malaysia Advancing Malaysian PLCs’ ESG JourneyFTSE 4Good Rating and Centralised Sustainability Intelligence (CSI) Platform Roundtable DiscussionUnderstanding ESG & How to Integrate into Business Practice IFRS S1 and S2 : Beyond compliance ESG, Stakeholder Capitalism and Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) SIRIM ESG SEMINAR 2023 - Driving ESG to Advance the Nation 67 SUSTAINABILLITY STATEMENTS 1 2 4 5 6 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2023