Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors (“the Board”) of Minetech Resources Berhad (“the Company”) is pleased to present its statement on corporate governance (“CG”) practices of the Company during the financial year ended 31 March 2023. The Board in leading the Company in its CG practices is guided by the principles as set out in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 (“MCCG”).

This statement is prepared in compliance with Paragraph 15.25(1) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) (“MMLR”) and guided by Practice Note 9 of the MMLR and the CG Guide (3rd edition) issued by Bursa Malaysia Berhad. This CG Overview Statement should also be read together with the CG Report 2023 of the Company (“CG Report”) which is available on the Company’s website: as well as via an announcement on the website of Bursa Securities and in conjunction with the other statements in the Annual Report (e.g. Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control, Audit and Risk Management Committee Report, and Sustainability Statement) as the application of certain governance enumerations may be more evidently expressed in the context of the respective statements.

The CG Report provides the details on how the Company has applied each Practice as set out in the MCCG during the financial year ended 31 March 2023.

Terms Of Reference Of Sustainability CommitteeDownload

Directors’ Fit and Proper PolicyDownload

Conflict of Interest PolicyDownload

Anti-Bribery Management System PolicyDownload

Terms of Reference of Audit and Risk Management CommitteeDownload

Terms of Reference of Nomination and Remuneration CommitteeDownload

Board CharterDownload

Directors and Senior Management's Remuneration PolicyDownload

Corporate Governance ReportDownload

Whistleblower PolicyDownload

Corporate Governance Overview StatementDownload

Code of Ethics and Employees' Discipline & ConductDownload

Diversity PolicyDownload