Directors’ Profile

Age : 52
Nationality : Malaysian
Gender : Male
Date of Appointment : 1 February 2022
Date of Redesignation : 23 June 2023
Board Committee membership : N/A

a) Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (Polymer), University Technology Malaysia
b) Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge University

Working Experience and Occupation
Encik Johari Shukri bin Jamil graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (Polymer) from University Technology Malaysia. He also holds a Certificate in Advanced Leadership Programme from University of Cambridge, Judge Business School. He possesses a Capital Market Services Representatives’ License (“CMSL”) for REIT for the asset management company to carry on regulated activities specified under the Capital markets and Services Act (“CMSA”), Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”)”.

Encik Johari began his career as a Process/Chemical Engineer in Titan Polyethlene (M) Sdn Bhd in 1995 and was promoted as a Project Engineer in 1997 which he stayed on until 2000. In the same year, he left the firm and joined Foster Wheeler (M) Sdn Bhd until 2002 as a Project Engineer. He then served as a Business Development Manager for several companies from 2002 to 2005.

He then joined Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd in 2005 as a Senior General Manager. From 2006 to 2011, he was with Difense Konsult Sdn Bhd, serving as their Chief Executive Officer and Director. In the same year, he joined Johor Corporation (“JCorp”), a Johor state-owned company (“GLC”) as a General Manager, Business Development and was later promoted to Chief Executive Officer of Tanjung Langsat Port Sdn Bhd and also served as a member of the board of the subsidiary companies. He later assumed the role as Group Vice President, Business Relationship & Marketing, Industrial Development Division of the JCorp, Executive Director of TPM Technopark Sdn Bhd and Executive Director of Tanjung Langsat Port Sdn Bhd prior to his special assignment to a public listed subsidiary company, EA Technique (M) Berhad where he was the Group Chief Operating Officer. He then joined Iskandar Investment Berhad, a subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Berhad in January 2019 and where he has stepped into a newly created role, Transformation Office, to bring the company towards innovation and new business frontiers. He later assumed the post as the Executive Vice President, Business Development.

He was also seconded to a subsidiary company, Medini Iskandar Malaysia Sdn Bhd to facilitate the transformation journey and strategic marketing and business development initiatives. He was the Chief Executive Officer of Integrated Marine Works Sdn Bhd. He is currently a board member of a public listed company, HEKTAR REIT.

Directorship of public companies and listed issuers
Hektar Real Estate Investment Trust (Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer)

Relationship with other directors / shareholders/listed issuer

Conflict of interest with listed issuer

Any other convictions (aside from traffic offence)

Age : 48
Nationality : Malaysian
Gender : Male
Date of Appointment : 5 August 2021
Board Committee membership : N/A

a) Higher Diploma in Industries Studies and Industrial and Industrial Automation Control Systems from Singapore Nanyang Polytechnics

Working Experience and Occupation
Mr. Hoo Wai Keong has over twenty five (25) years of working experiences in engineering services and involvement in top management level operation as well as full operation experiences in various industries and different sectors from contract manufacturing to components fabrication, design and build for Industrial 4.0, renewable energy saving engineering in commercial and industrial, construction engineering and building automation smart technology system in commercial and infrastructure which he also specializing in business development, strategic planning and consultancy and corporate advisory in merger and acquisition, and joint venture across Malaysia, Singapore, Europe, United State of America and China. He started his career in Singapore as a mechanical engineer in factory automation machinery and system company which he in-charged the design and building automation system and electronics, project management and installation, testing and commissioning.

He then appointed as a mechanical strategic buyer for audio electronics systems for multinational company, which involved in strategic sourcing and negotiating, perform cost analysis and cost saving program under products value analysis, managing Just-in-Time (“JIT”) on vendors daily delivery operation. He proceeds his career as a Sales and Project Development Manager for semiconductors electronics equipment, where he handled daily customer service, new project development and ensure all specification meet customers’ requirements and manage the whole supply chain in order to fulfil customers delivery schedule.

In year 2005, he setup his own company in Singapore which deals with engineering fabrication ranging from precision machinery spare parts and components to fabrication of higher precision for banking machines, semiconductor equipment and automotive components. He extended his business and factory setup in China in year 2009, where he has full range of facilities in terms of Computerize Numerical Control (“CNC”) machineries, sheet metal fabrication, plastics moulding production, sub-assembly services and cosmetics secondary processes.

He was the managing director of the company until 2018. After he left his own company, he joined Metronic Global Berhad where he currently acts as the Executive Director cum Chief Executive Officer.

Directorship of public companies and listed issuers
Metronic Global Berhad (Executive Director cum Chief Executive Officer)

Relationship with other directors / shareholders/listed issuer

Conflict of interest with listed issuer

Any other convictions (aside from traffic offence)

Age : 45
Nationality : Malaysian
Gender : Male
Date of Appointment : 5 August 2021
Board Committee membership :
• Chairman of Audit and Risk Management Committee
• Member of Remuneration Committee
• Member of Nomination Committee

a) Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants
b) Member of ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant

Working Experience and Occupation
Mr. Chong Kwang Fock is presently practicing as an auditor and he is a Partner of chartered accounting firm in Kuala Lumpur.

He has more than fifteen (15) years of working experience in auditing. His experience includes auditing of public listed companies, multinational companies and private limited companies in various industries. He also has experience conducting audit for companies in China.

He has vast experience in corporate exercises where his experiences include being a reporting accountant for initial public offering and funds raising exercises, due diligence and reviewing of financial forecasts and projections.

Directorship of public companies and listed issuers

Relationship with other directors / shareholders/listed issuer

Conflict of interest with listed issuer

Any other convictions (aside from traffic offence)

Age : 50
Nationality : Malaysian
Gender : Female
Date of Appointment : 1 September 2022
Board Committee membership :
• Chairperson of Nomination Committee
• Member of Remuneration Committee
• Member of Audit and Risk Management Committee

a) Member of High Court of Malaya
b) Bachelor in Laws, University of Wales, Glamorgan

Working Experience and Occupation
Ms. Loh May Ann has over twenty (20) years of legal experience gained in practice and in top multinational companies. She spent her early years of practice in Messrs Rashid & Lee (now Messrs Shahrizat Rashid & Lee) where she was primarily engaged in corporate advisory work involving acquisitions of shares, advising on corporate restructuring, setting up of companies and joint ventures, carrying out due diligence audits and drafting of commercial contracts.

These intensive years provided a strong foundation of knowledge and experience when she switched paths in 2005 and became in-house counsel for a US BPO company. For the next decade, she continued as legal counsel in several global IT companies, including CSC, IBM and BAT, before resuming practice again and setting up her own boutique practice, Messr Omar & May in 2015, to focus on corporate, commercial and IT government and private sector contracts across diverse industries.

Ms. Loh May Ann is now the Chief Legal Officer of Webhelp APAC, a 50,000 people-strong global BPO company, headquartered in Paris, France with a presence in more than 50 countries.

Directorship of public companies and listed issuers

Relationship with other directors / shareholders/listed issuer

Conflict of interest with listed issuer

Any other convictions (aside from traffic offence)

Age : 47
Nationality : Malaysian
Gender : Male
Date of Appointment : 3 July 2023
Board Committee membership :
• Chairman of Remuneration Committee
• Member of Nomination Committee
• Member of Audit and Risk Management Committee

a) Certified Credit Professional of Business Credit
b) Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), Monash University
c) Diploma in Business Studies, Edith Cowan University

Working Experience and Occupation
Mr. Koh Wai Chee has over 20 years of experience in financial services, having worked in Labuan, Indonesia and Singapore.

He was the Associate Director for AmInvestment Bank Berhad from 1999 to 2010, where he managed the offshore and onshore investment businesses. In 2010, he joined OSK Investment Bank Ltd in Malaysia as member of the Board and as its Chief Operating Officer. He was a key senior management team member who helped grow OSK Investment Banks regional business via offshore financing throughout ASEAN.

Following the disposal of OSK Investment Bank by OSK Holdings Berhad to RHB Capital Berhad in 2012, Mr. Koh joined RHB Investment Bank Bhd as Director of Structured Lending, where he managed the specialty finance and investment banking origination since 2013. He last held the position of Director and a Head of Department in Group Corporate Banking with RHB Bank Berhad until 2017.

Mr. Koh has additional experiences in managing the leading large enterprises over the preceding 5 years. He owned and managed a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange that involved in aquaculture.

Mr. Koh currently involves in property development in Australia and managing an engineering company in S.A.R. Hong Kong. Mr. Koh is also presently a member of the Board of Directors of Metronic Global Berhad.

Directorship of public companies and listed issuers
Metronic Global Berhad (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Relationship with other directors / shareholders/listed issuer

Conflict of interest with listed issuer

Any other convictions (aside from traffic offence)

Age : 42
Nationality : Malaysian
Gender : Female
Date of Appointment : 29 April 2024
Board Committee membership : N/A

a) Masters of Corporate Governance, HELP University
b) B.Sc. (Hons) in Creative Multimedia, majoring in Media Innovation, Multimedia University
c) Graduate Cert. in Accounting, HELP University

Working Experience and Occupation
Ms. Doris Wong Sing Ee has more than twenty three (23) years of experience in management level across various industries ranging from advertising, property development, F&B, and oil & gas, specializing in Business Development, Strategic Consultancy and Corporate Advisory in Merger & Acquisition and Joint Venture across Malaysia, Singapore, China, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia.

Starting off as a Business Development Manager in her career path, her enthusiastic attitude has molded her to become Business Development Director within just a year before she was promoted to Managing Director in Niagamatic Sdn Bhd. In 2012, she was appointed as Business Consultant in a legal firm (JLPW Law Firm) where she gained exposures in handling Merger & Acquisition and Joint Venture deals internationally. She was then appointed by a leading Japanese advertising firm listed in Tokyo Stock Exchange, Asatsu-DK (ADK) as Malaysia’s country General Manager in 2015 in one of its subsidiaries, Dai-Ichi Kikaku Sdn Bhd to turn around the company.

Directorship of public companies and listed issuers
1. Trive Property Group Berhad (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director)
2. Metronic Global Berhad (Executive Director)

Relationship with other directors / shareholders/listed issuer

Conflict of interest with listed issuer

Any other convictions (aside from traffic offence)