Age 59 l Male l Malaysian.
Mr Sim Yung Chi was appointed as Syarikat Logam Unitrade Sdn Bhd’s (“SLU”) Chief Operating
Officer in January 2019. He is responsible for managing the operations of warehouse, logistics
and quality control of SLU.
Mr Sim holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and a Master of Business Administration
Management from Hawaii Pacific University, USA.
Mr Sim started his career with SLU as an Assistant General Manager and was overseeing the
handling of operational and administrative matters. He was involved in talent and performance
management, the planning and execution of business strategies and contingencies, the
monitoring and management of the company’s order fulfilment and payment collection, as well
as the sourcing and negotiation of bank facilities. He was also engaged in the preparation of
commercialisation of Alfran products including liaising with suppliers in China and application
of certification with SIRIM.
Through Mr Sim’s eminent performance, he was redesignated to General Manager and
subsequently to Finance and Admin Director in June 2013. Over the years, his scope of
responsibilities expanded as the company grew where he led bigger teams in the area of the
finance, administrative and operational functions of the company. He was also part of the team
which conducted due diligence for the acquisition of Ricwil in 2007.
Mr Sim is the brother of Sim Keng Chor, Sim Aik Chor and uncle of Nomis Sim Siang Leng and
Simson Sim Xian Zhi. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company. He has not
been convicted of any offences within the past five (5) years nor any public sanction or penalty
imposed by regulatory bodies during the financial year.