Financial Highlights

Financial Year Ended 31 December 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
No. of Months 6 12 12 12 12
Actual / Restated Unaudited Actual Actual Actual Actual
Revenue (RM'000) 675,973 1,493,111 942,557 876,015 1,062,571
Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation (EBITDA) (RM'000) 179,892 186,288 (256,726) 155,580 414,934
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax (P/LBT) (RM'000) 98,322 (100,046) (472,360) (35,982) 238,404
Profit/(Loss) After Tax (P/LAT) (RM'000) 60,035 (133,163) (410,597) (30,073) 146,557
Profit/(Loss) Attributable To Owners Of The Parent (RM'000) 34,485 (174,188) (435,587) (52,171) 91,307
Total Assets (RM'000) 11,831,765 11,978,611 12,279,373 12,295,741 11,801,731
Total Equity (RM'000) 5,844,537 5,806,685 5,755,011 5,984,117 5,759,306
Basic Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (sen) 1.52 (8.01) (24.73) (3.60) 6.37
Net Dividends Per Share (sen) - - - - -
Net Assets Per Share (RM) 1.91 1.90 2.17 3.21 3.22
Net Gearing Ratio (times) 0.36 0.46 0.54 0.55 0.52
Return on Shareholders' Equity (Parent) (%) 0.79 (4.05) (10.20) (1.13) 1.94
No. of Shares Oustanding ('000) * 2,266,339 2,266,339 1,970,420 1,443,081 1,462,047


* Excludes Treasury shares