Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

38 Value Creat ion at Bank I s lam Over v iew of Bank I s lam Management Di scuss ion and Anal ys i s OUR VALUE CREATING BUSINESS MODEL Our business model demonstrates how we leverage our six capitals to create value in the form of outputs and outcomes and how we ensure the sustainability of our business for our stakeholders. FINANCIAL CAPITAL • Over ĄÃѸѴӝѴ ƹȈȢȢȈɁȶ deposits • More than ĄÃѺѷӝѹ ƹȈȢȢȈɁȶ in total assets INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL • Renowned brand as the pioneering Islamic bank • Strong franchise value as the provider of pure end-to-end Islamic financial solutions • Growing strategic partnerships with major organisations and public agencies HUMAN CAPITAL • Over ѷӗѺѳѳ employees • Highly-qualified professionals in field of Islamic banking and finance field • Emphasis on Islamic values that promote trust and integrity MANUFACTURED CAPITAL • Ѵѷѷ Bank Islam branches nationwide • Ѽѷѹ self-service terminals NATURAL CAPITAL • Continuous commitment towards green financing • Largest Shariah-ESG fund size (AUM) of ĄÃѴ ƹȈȢȢȈɁȶ • Commitment towards UN SDGs that promote biodiversity SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL • Over ѷӝѷ ȴȈȢȢȈɁȶ customers • Strong proponent of social finance and CSR initiatives, promoting societal wellbeing • Major advocate for VBI, promoting Sustainability and ESG adoption INPUTS Economic Slowdown Global Uncertainties MA R K E T O U R C A P I TA L S . . . ӝ ӝ ӝ K Ç 9 ¸ K ř ¸ ĩ K Ӹ A A Ž Ç { : ě Ž ř Ž ě Ž K Č Premised on the Shariah Principles, we commit to uphold the highest level of integrity in our everyday decisions and actions, in our efforts to uplift our communities and our nation. UNDERPINNED BY ÝĩĄ ÝřKĄ Ą:‰ŽÇ{ GOVERNANCE MAT E R I A L MAT T E R S Responsible Finance Inclusive Growth Talent Enrichment Ethical Practice & Reporting Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing C R E D I T R I S K • M A R K E T R I S K • L I Q U I D I T Y R I S K • S H A R I A H N O N - C O M P L I A N C E ( S N C ) R I S K • S T R A T E G I C P R I O R I T I E S Sustainable Prosperity Values-Based Culture Customer- Centricity Community Empowerment Digitalisation Real Economy Think Customer Advance Beyond Act with Integrity Take Charge Shared Values DEPOSITS AND CASH MANAGEMENT TREASURY AND MARKETS CONSUMER BANKING