My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 57 UNSDG UNSDG DESCRIPTION GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS UPCOMING PLANS CSR: r 0SHBOJTFE CMPPE EPOBUJPO drives with MYEG staff members and customers. r $POUSJCVUJPO PG EJTQPTBCMF gloves to Polis Diraja Malaysia. r #SPVHIU GFTUJWF DIFFS during Chinese New Year to an old folks’ home in ,VBMB -VNQVS r %POBUFE GPPE packs to recipients from UIF # DBUFHPSZ BT XFMM as to refugee groups & charity homes throughout Ramadan via NAK MAKAN. r 4VQQMJFE CBDL UP TDIPPM items for children from an orphanage. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. r .:&( DPOUJOVFE UP WBMVF stimulate and hire diverse teams, in line with being an equal opportunity employer. r 8F DPOUJOVFE NBJOUBJOJOH B [FSP UPMFSBODF BQQSPBDI to sexual harassment and bullying by creating a safe channel for employees to report cases of ethical misconduct without being exposed or dismissed. Appropriate actions were taken to address and mitigate proven cases. r $POUJOVF UP QSPNPUF fair labour recruitment practices. r 5P FOTVSF PVS GFNBMF employees’ full and effective participation as well as granting equal opportunities in leadership SPMFT BU BMM EFDJTJPO making levels. ALIGNMENT TO THE UNSDG (CONT’D) SUSTAINABILITY