My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Regisration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 56 UNSDG In FY2020, MYEG continued to make headway in its adopted UNSDG. Beyond just adopting UNSDG that are congruent to our business model, MYEG in FY2020 has looked to match its highlights and achievements to these goals as given below: The table below showcases brief descriptions of the highlights and achievements made in each adopted goal in FY2020: UNSDG UNSDG DESCRIPTION GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS UPCOMING PLANS Ensure healthy lives BOE QSPNPUF XFMM being for all at all ages. The Group: r -BVODIFE IFBMUIDBSF related services such as MySafeTravel, MYEGuard, BOE B POF TUPQ $07*% health screening portal. For Employees: r $PNQMJFE XJUI MFHBM requirements and safe work procedures related UP $07*% QSFWFOUJPO r 'BDJMJUJFT BOE XFMGBSF GPS employees related to $07*% SJTL DPOUSPM BOE resources are adequately provided. r *OGPSNBUJPO USBJOJOH BOE supervision related to $07*% QSFWFOUJPO is provided and disseminated. r 1SPWJEFT TVJUBCMF 11& to employees according to their work needs and complied with the latest 401 SFMBUFE UP $07*% mitigation. r 8PSL GSPN IPNF GPS employees is encouraged for department which are able to especially but not MJNJUFE UP OPO DVTUPNFS facing department. r 'BDJMJUBUFE BOE JOWFTUFE JO affordable medicine and healthcare insurance for all employees. r 5P QSPNPUF IFBMUI SFMBUFE activities to all employees and for corporate social responsibility (“ CSR ”) activities. r 5P QSPWJEF EBJMZ PS weekly health tips to all FNQMPZFFT UISPVHI F NBJM r 5P DSFBUF BOE NBJOUBJO bulletin boards that inform employees on relevant health information and TFMG EFWFMPQNFOU UJQT ALIGNMENT TO THE UNSDG