My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 51 STRATEGIC PRIORITY SPECIFIC STRATEGIES AND ACTION PLANS IMPACT TO BUSINESS MODEL AND VALUE CREATION Expansion of existing services to new markets $SPTT TFMMJOH PG TFSWJDFT UIBU IBWF good user traction in one market into another. Curate existing services, by DPVOUSZ XJUI NBSLFU TQFDJàD embellishments that would appeal to specific user bases. Increase stakeholder confidence in existing services, with those services’ current application and relevancy able to go beyond their original operating market. Renewal of concession services -FWFSBHF PO UIF FYJTUJOH TUSBUFHJD partnership with the Malaysian government to grow the number of services available on our online platforms. Be in constant communication with key government stakeholders such as the Ministry of Transport to smoothen the process of approval PG MPOH UFSN DPOUSBDU SFOFXBMT CZ pitching new service and product developments and initiatives. Solidify MYEG as the leading F HPWFSONFOU TFSWJDFT QSPWJEFS JO all of its operating markets. Enhance our brand equity with our existing user base while attracting new user base. Expansion of new businesses into new or existing geographical markets Propose collaborations with new government partners in Malaysia and abroad for the development and distribution of online healthcare services. Approach shall be similar to implementation in current markets i.e. Malaysia and the Philippines. Identify new user requirements or opportunities that exist in current operating markets and new markets to fuel expansion. Establish MYEG as a regional powerhouse in digital service provision beyond Malaysia. Create new avenues of resources to tap into such as knowledge acquisition, information sharing, and technology development UP SPMM PVU OFX SFHJPO TQFDJàD F TFSWJDFT BT XFMM BT GPSN VOJRVF stakeholder collaborations to capture new user bases. OUR OUTLOOK AND STRATEGIC PRIORITIES (CONT’D) OUR VALUE CREATION PROCCESS 0O UIF TUSFOHUI PG UIF (SPVQ T SPCVTU CVTJOFTT NPEFM .:&( DPOUJOVFT UP DSFBUF B XJEF SBOHF PG àOBODJBM BOE OPO financial values for stakeholders. Essentially, despite the turbulent operating environment of FY2020, MYEG’s value DSFBUJPO BQQSPBDI SFNBJOT VOEJTSVQUFE BOE JO GBDU UIF POTFU PG $07*% BOE PUIFS EFWFMPQNFOUT IBWF QSPWJEFE opportunities for the Group to create value. This primarily included stepping up to ensure service delivery remained smooth and largely uninterrupted and, more importantly, we responded quickly to the most pressing needs arising from pandemic by offering a number of important solutions and services to help in our government partners’ fight against the pandemic. Given that there are no major shifts in the business model, there are no major shifts in the allocation of resources or USBEF PGG CFUXFFO DBQJUBMT 8F XJMM DPOUJOVF UP NFBTVSF PVS CVTJOFTT QFSGPSNBODF BHBJOTU UIF QFSTQFDUJWF PG DBQJUBMT consumed, used and value created across a wide range of perspectives and for stakeholders. OUR BUSINESS