My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 111 AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT The AC had diligently carried out its duties and responsibilities in accordance with its Terms of Reference and discussions were held with the internal auditors, external auditors as well as management for the FY2020. In the course of its duties during the financial year, the AC is of the view that no material misstatement or loss, contingencies or uncertainties have emerged. MEMBERS OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE AND MEETINGS Members of the Audit Committee 5IF "$ DPNQSJTFT PG UISFF NFNCFST BMM PG XIPN BSF *OEFQFOEFOU /PO &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPST BOE BU MFBTU POF NFNCFS JT NFNCFS PG UIF .BMBZTJBO *OTUJUVUF PG "DDPVOUBOU 5IF "$ NFFUT UIF SFRVJSFNFOUT PG QBSBHSBQI PG UIF ..-3 PG #VSTB 4FDVSJUJFT BOE 4UFQ VQ 1SBDUJDF VOEFS 1SJODJQMF # PG UIF .$$( %VSJOH UIF àOBODJBM ZFBS UIF NFNCFST PG UIF "$ BSF BT GPMMPXT Name of AC Members Position Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Muhammad Rais Bin Abdul Karim $IBJSNBO *OEFQFOEFOU /PO &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS %BUVL .PIE +JNNZ 8POH #JO "CEVMMBI .FNCFS *OEFQFOEFOU /PO &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS Wong Kok Chau .FNCFS *OEFQFOEFOU /PO &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS All members of the AC are financially literate and are able to analyse and interpret financial statements to effectively discharge their duties, roles, and responsibilities for the Company. Meetings 5IF "$ DPOWFOFE GPVS NFFUJOHT EVSJOH UIF ': 5IF NFFUJOHT XFSF BQQSPQSJBUFMZ TUSVDUVSFE UISPVHI UIF VTF PG agendas, which were distributed to members of the AC with sufficient notification and attached with comprehensive information on matters to be discussed. The attendance of the AC members during the FY2020 are as follows: AC Members Meetings attended Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Muhammad Rais Bin Abdul Karim (Chairman) %BUVL .PIE +JNNZ 8POH #JO "CEVMMBI Wong Kok Chau %FUBJMT PG UIF NFNCFST PG UIF "$ BSF DPOUBJOFE JO UIF 1SPàMF PG %JSFDUPST BT TFU PVU PO QBHFT UP PG UIJT SFQPSU The Company Secretaries or their representatives were present at all the meetings. Upon invitation, representatives of the external auditors and the Senior Management also attended specific meetings to facilitate direct communication and to provide clarifications on audit issues and the operations of the Group. Minutes of the AC meetings were disseminated electronically as well as in hardcopy to all the members of AC and the Board. The Chairman of the AC reported to the Board on key matters deliberated during the AC meetings. 'PS UIF àOBODJBM ZFBS VOEFS SFWJFX UIF "$ IFME GPVS NFFUJOHT J F PO 'FCSVBSZ +VOF "VHVTU BOE /PWFNCFS XJUI UIF JOUFSOBM BVEJUPST BOE UXP NFFUJOHT PO +VOF BOE /PWFNCFS with the external auditors without presence of the management to discuss any issues or significant matters, which the internal and external auditors wished to raise. GOVERNANCE