My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Regisration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 110 C. INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS (CONT’D) I. Communication with stakeholders (cont’d) The Group’s corporate website includes a dedicated Investor Relations section which provides all relevant information on the Group, including announcements to Bursa Securities, share price information as well as the DPSQPSBUF BOE HPWFSOBODF TUSVDUVSF PG UIF (SPVQ 4UBLFIPMEFST BSF BMTP BCMF UP TVCTDSJCF UP F NBJM BMFSUT GSPN the Group via the Investor Relations page. II. Conduct of General Meetings The AGM is the principal forum for dialogue with shareholders, allowing shareholders to review the Group’s performance via the Group’s annual report and pose questions to the Board for clarification. To ensure TIBSFIPMEFST IBWF TVGàDJFOU UJNF UP HP UISPVHI UIF BOOVBM SFQPSU JU JT DJSDVMBUFE BU MFBTU UXFOUZ FJHIU DMFBS days before the date of the AGM. Shareholders are encouraged to vote on the proposed motions by appointing a proxy in the event they are unable to attend the meeting. *O WJFX PG UIF $07*% PVUCSFBL BOE BT QBSU PG UIF TBGFUZ NFBTVSFT UIF /JOFUFFOUI "(. i 19th AGM ”) of the Company was conducted entirely through live streaming and online remote voting using RPV facilities. During the UI "(. B QSFTFOUBUJPO JT TIPXO UP UIF TIBSFIPMEFST PO UIF (SPVQ T QFSGPSNBODF BOE NBKPS BDUJWJUJFT DBSSJFE out during the financial period under review. Shareholders were allowed to participate (including posing questions UP UIF #PBSE WJB SFBM UJNF TVCNJTTJPO PG UZQFE UFYUT BOE WPUF SFNPUFMZ BU UIF UI "(. WJB UIF 317 GBDJMJUJFT *O MJOF XJUI UIF ..-3 PG #VSTB 4FDVSJUJFT UIF $PNQBOZ IBT JNQMFNFOUFE BOE XJMM DPOUJOVF UP JNQMFNFOU QPMM voting for all proposed resolutions set out in the notice of any general meeting. An independent scrutineer will be appointed to validate the votes cast at any general meeting of the Company. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONT’D)