GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2021

OUR VISION The ASEAN Payment People Payments Simplified OUR MISSION To be clearly recognised as the leading ASEAN payment services provider. Delivering powerful solutions to deeply rooted local relationships. We help merchants, financial institutions and telcos make money by simplifying their distribution, payment and collections needs. We provide ASEAN merchants, both big and small, with complete solutions that fulfil their customers’ needs. CUSTOMER IS THE BOSS We listen, anticipate and deliver what our customer needs TEAMWORK Together we can achieve more NO DISHONESTY Zero-tolerance for dishonesty in any form ADDICTED TO INNOVATION Our relentless pursuit of innovation is what drives us forward “BOLEH” ATTITUDE We are passionate and driven to make a difference. AWARDS & RECOGNITION 2021 Malaysian e-Payment Excellence Awards (MEEA) - Best e-Payments Acceptance Growth Award for MyDEBIT as a non-bank Acquirer 11th Malaysian Investor Relations Association (MIRA) Investor Relations (IR) Awards - Best IR Website (Mid Cap category) OUR CORE VALUES 02 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD 199401007361 (293040-D) ANNUAL REPORT 2021