Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2019

C H A P T E R 123 ENVIRONMENT As an ISO 14001 cer t i f ied company operat ing wi thin the energy indust ry , we are keenl y aware of diminishing non-renewabl e resources and the negat i ve impact some of these resources may have on the env i ronment . As such, in pl anning, deve l oping and operat ing our bus iness , we a im to minimise such negat i ve impact . ECONOMICS Bus iness growth is key to our prof i t susta inabi l i ty . This dr i ves us to innovate and broaden our product and serv ice of fer ings , expand our markets gl oba l l y and increase our engagement wi th customers to bet ter meet thei r needs . ENV I RONMENT SOCIAL As we st r i ve to be a gl oba l enterpr ise , we wi l l cont inue to deve l op our peopl e , enr ich communi t ies and cont r ibute pos i t i ve l y to soc iety in a l l the count r ies we operate in . SOC I AL ECONOMI CS 0 5 5 . 3 ASSURANCE As a commercial enterprise we have an ongoing responsibility to our stakeholders to create economic wealth. At the same time, we acknowledge that we operate within a wider ecosystem comprising various stakeholders, countries in which we derive economic benefits as well as the environment that sustain all of us. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y F R A M EWO R K In view thereof, we have developed an overall sustainability framework and guiding principles premised upon the evaluation of the Economics, Environment and Social (“EES”) aspect of our business operations.