My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

MATERIALITY MATTERS (cont’d) PAPER CONSUMPTION As an online service provider, the Group’s products and services can be accessed online, which eliminates the need for physical paper to be used. Despite this, the Group still adheres to guidelines set in our Environmental Policy to manage its paper consumption. Employees play a big role in reducing paper consumption, and they are encouraged and reminded to use paper in an efficient manner, such as using double-sided printing and avoiding the use of paper cups in the workplace. In addition, the Group has established green features at MYEG to reduce paper consumption, which includes the introduction of digital forms or e-forms for employees to use for administrative matters such as leave application, salary slip, claims, appraisal, material requisition and more. Other notable green features include relying on digital signatures instead of physical signatures on documents for regular administrative operations, which reduce the need for printing, and relying on cloud services for information distribution and sharing instead of distributing printed copies. In FY2022, MYEG completed the allocation of 22 paper recycling collection points at MYEG offices and Tower. Each centre will be provided with a waste paper recycle bin. A shredder is provided for the disposal of waste papers that have sensitive data on them, and a designated vendor will collect waste paper from these centres on a monthly basis. Going forward, MYEG will seek more ways to curb its paper usage as it systematically digitalises more facets of its organisation to enhance workflow and productivity. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLING MYEG encourages waste management and recycling practices due to its positive impact on the environment. The main aim is to reduce our overall contribution to landfills, especially since it can release harmful greenhouse gases into the environment. Here is the total waste generated as well as waste directed to disposal: 9 3 0 15 12 6 13.32 FY2021 9.767 FY2020 9.19 FY2022 60 40 20 0 80 14.94 FY2021 10.56 FY2020 69.58 FY2022 Waste Directed to Disposal (Tonnes) Total Waste Generated (Tonnes) As mentioned earlier, the Group has established a Waste Management and Recycling Statement which provides clarity on the initiatives that the Group wishes to develop, including the recycling of materials such as glass, paper and plastic. Data captured on the recycling of waste over the last three years are as below. Waste generated increased in FY2022 in line with increased activity and return of more employees to workplaces following the lifting of COVID-19 movement controls. Likewise, recycled waste recorded in FY2022 was also significantly higher in line with the increased waste generated as well as the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, which allowed for such recycling activities to be undertaken, as compared with the previous years. In conjunction with the kiosk replacement exercise in September 2022, the disposal of 362 obsolete kiosks to be recycled, which totalled 46,683kg, also contributed to the sharp increase. 94