My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

INTRODUCTION MY E.G. Services Berhad (“MYEG” or the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) presents its Integrated Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 (“FY2022”). The content of the Integrated Annual Report 2022 (“IAR2022”) has been developed in accordance with the Integrated Reporting (“<IR>”) Framework based on the Principles-based Framework comprising the six Capitals, seven Guiding Principles and eight Content Elements. The objective of this IAR2022 is to present readers with a comprehensive yet concise narrative of MYEG’s journey of value creation for the financial year. This includes financial and non-financial values for the Group and its stakeholders. ABOUT THIS REPORT z Financial z Manufactured z Intellectual z Human z Social z Natural z Strategic focus and future orientation z Connectivity of information z Concise z Reliability and completeness z Consistency and comparability z Materiality z Stakeholder relationships z Organisational overview and external environment z Governance z Business model z Risks and opportunities z Strategy and resources allocation z Performance z Outlook z Basis of preparation and presentation 6 Capitals 7 Guiding Principles 8 Content Elements MYEG, in its years of <IR> adoption, has looked to progressively strengthen its disclosures based on the Principlesbased Framework towards providing readers, notably providers of financial and other capitals, with a more comprehensive, connected and concise narrative that relays the Group’s journey of value creation in FY2022. Environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) matters that impact enterprise value creation Risks and opportunities Multi-Capital Lens Integrated Annual Report 2022 Significant capital dependencies Business strategies to sustain value creation Stakeholders influence and impact In essence, the goal of <IR> is to provide readers with a multi-capital narrative on how MYEG has not just delivered financial performance but is also prepared to sustain value creation through its business model over the short, medium and long-term perspectives. Hence, the IAR2022, delves not only into business and operational performance but also includes financial and non-financial values for the Group and its stakeholders. 02