My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

GOVERNANCE A. BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (CONT’D) I. Board Responsibilities (cont’d) 10. Sustainability The Company acknowledges the importance of sustainability relating to ESG including their risks to and opportunities for the Group. The Board had also adopted Environmental Policy, Sustainability Policy and Statement of Commitment to Addressing Climate Change Risks and Impacts which demonstrates the Company’s commitment to integrating the principles of sustainability into the Group’s strategies, policies and procedures. The Company will continuously and constantly disclose the targets and performances of the ESG; and if necessary, communicate to all the stakeholders of the Group. A copy of the Environmental Policy, Sustainability Policy and Statement of Commitment to Addressing Climate Change Risks and Impacts can be found on the Group’s website at 11. Company Secretaries Every Director has unrestricted access to the independent professional advice and services of the Company Secretaries on matters related to compliance with laws, rules, procedures and regulations affecting the Company and the Group. The Board believes that the current Company Secretaries are capable of carrying out their duties efficiently to ensure the effective functioning of the Board. However, in the event that the Company Secretaries fail to fulfil their functions effectively, the terms of their appointment do permit their removal and appointment of a successor by the Board. The Board is assisted by qualified and competent Company Secretaries who play a vital role in advising the Board in relation to the Group’s constitution, policies, procedures and compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, codes, guidance and legislations. Both Company Secretaries are fellow members of the Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (“MAICSA”) and have obtained Practicing Certificate from the Companies Commission of Malaysia (“CCM”). All the Directors have unrestricted access to the advice and services of the Company Secretaries for the conduct of the Board’s affairs and business. The Company Secretaries continuously keep themselves abreast of the evolving capital market environment, regulatory changes and developments in corporate governance through attendance at relevant conferences and training programmes. They have also attended the relevant continuous professional development programmes as required by the CCM and MAICSA for practising company secretaries. The Board is satisfied with the performance and support rendered by the Company Secretaries in discharging their functions, duties and responsibilities. In addition, the Company Secretaries are accountable to the Board and are responsible for the following: r "EWJTJOH UIF #PBSE PO JUT SPMFT BOE SFTQPOTJCJMJUJFT r "EWJTJOH UIF #PBSE PO NBUUFST SFMBUFE UP DPSQPSBUF HPWFSOBODF BOE UIF ..-3 PG #VSTB 4FDVSJUJFT r &OTVSJOH UIBU #PBSE QSPDFEVSFT BOE BQQMJDBCMF SVMFT BSF PCTFSWFE r .BJOUBJOJOH SFDPSET PG UIF #PBSE BOE FOTVSJOH FGGFDUJWF NBOBHFNFOU PG UIF $PNQBOZ T TUBUVUPSZ SFDPSET r 1SFQBSJOH DPNQSFIFOTJWF NJOVUFT UP EPDVNFOU #PBSE QSPDFFEJOHT BOE FOTVSJOH DPODMVTJPOT BSF accurately recorded r "TTJTUJOH DPNNVOJDBUJPOT CFUXFFO UIF #PBSE BOE .BOBHFNFOU r 1SPWJEJOH GVMM BDDFTT BOE TFSWJDFT UP UIF #PBSE BOE DBSSZJOH PVU PUIFS GVODUJPOT EFFNFE BQQSPQSJBUF CZ UIF Board from time to time r 1SFQBSJOH BHFOEBT BOE DP DPPSEJOBUJOH UIF QSFQBSBUJPO PG #PBSE QBQFST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (cont’d) 125