My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2022

The Board recognises the importance of corporate governance and is committed to ensure that the principles and best practices in corporate governance as set out in the MCCG and Corporate Governance Guide (4th Edition) are observed and practised throughout the Group. This is to ensure that the affairs of the Group are conducted with integrity and professionalism, in compliance with the law, regulatory requirements and rules, and ethically with the objective of safeguarding shareholders’ investment and ultimately enhancing shareholders’ value as well as sustainable development. The Board recognises that having a strong corporate governance framework is essential for driving financial performance and delivering long-term and sustainable value to shareholders. In this regard, the Board has complied with MCCG and all relevant laws and regulations related to corporate governance. This Corporate Governance Statement (“CG Statement”) outlines the commitment of the Board to ethical behaviour and transparency in all aspects of the Group’s business strategy, operations, and corporate culture, with the goal of achieving sustainable growth, fostering stakeholder trust, and enhancing the Group’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. The Board is pleased to provide the following CG Statement on how the Group has adopted and applied the principles and complied with the best practices outlined in the MCCG and Paragraph 15.25 of the MMLR of Bursa Securities. A. BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS I. Board Responsibilities 1. Board of Directors The Group is led by an effective and experienced Board, with members from diverse background and specialisation, possessing a wide range of expertise in areas such as finance, corporate affairs, accounting, marketing, human resources, and legal. Collectively, they bring a broad range of skills, experience, and knowledge which adds strength to the leadership in managing and directing the Group’s operations. There is a clear division of functions between the Board and the Management to ensure that no single individual or group dominates the decision-making process. The Directors, individually have a legal duty to act in the best interest of the Group and are collectively aware of their responsibilities to the stakeholders for the manner in which the affairs of the Group are managed. The Board’s responsibilities, amongst others, include: r XPSLJOH UPHFUIFS XJUI 4FOJPS .BOBHFNFOU UP QSPNPUF HPPE DPSQPSBUF HPWFSOBODF DVMUVSF XJUIJO UIF Group, which reinforces ethical, prudent, and professional behaviour r SFWJFXJOH DIBMMFOHJOH BOE EFDJEJOH PO .BOBHFNFOU T QSPQPTBMT GPS UIF (SPVQ BOE NPOJUPSJOH UIFJS implementation by the Management r FOTVSJOH UIBU UIF TUSBUFHJD QMBO PG UIF (SPVQ TVQQPSUT MPOH UFSN WBMVF DSFBUJPO XIJDI JODMVEFT TUSBUFHJFT on economic, environmental, and social considerations underpinning sustainability r TVQFSWJTJOH BOE BTTFTTJOH .BOBHFNFOU QFSGPSNBODF UP EFUFSNJOF XIFUIFS UIF CVTJOFTT JT CFJOH QSPQFSMZ managed r FOTVSJOH UIFSF JT B TPVOE GSBNFXPSL GPS SJTL NBOBHFNFOU BOE JOUFSOBM DPOUSPMT r VOEFSTUBOEJOH UIF QSJODJQBM SJTL PG UIF (SPVQ T CVTJOFTT BOE SFDPHOJTJOH UIBU CVTJOFTT EFDJTJPOT JOWPMWF the taking of appropriate risks r TFUUJOH UIF SJTL BQQFUJUF XJUIJO XIJDI UIF #PBSE FYQFDUT .BOBHFNFOU UP PQFSBUF BOE FOTVSJOH UIBU UIFSF JT an appropriate Risk Management Framework to identify, analyse, evaluate, manage, and monitor significant financial and non-financial risks r FOTVSJOH UIBU 4FOJPS .BOBHFNFOU IBT UIF OFDFTTBSZ TLJMMT BOE FYQFSJFODF BOE UIBU UIFSF BSF NFBTVSFT JO place to provide for the orderly succession of the Board and Senior Management r FOTVSJOH UIBU UIF (SPVQ IBT JO QMBDF QSPDFEVSFT UP FOBCMF FGGFDUJWF DPNNVOJDBUJPO XJUI TUBLFIPMEFST r FOTVSJOH UIF JOUFHSJUZ PG UIF (SPVQ T àOBODJBM BOE OPO àOBODJBM SFQPSUJOH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 116