SUSTAINABILITY MILESTONES SHOWCASING OUR 2023 ACHIEVEMENTS SOUND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 100% Operations assessed for corruption-related risks ASSESSED 0 Number of cases on corruption and bribery CASES 0 Number of cases of data privacy breached & data loss CASES SUSTAINABLE TRUST FUND 100% Percentage of procurement budget spent on local supplier SPENT 33% Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria SCREENED 46% Percentage of suppliers assessed for their environmental impact ASSESSED STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 920 Total training hours recorded for employees HOURS 4.00 Lost-Time Injury Rate (“LTIR”) 0 Cases of harassment, discrimination & human rights violation CASES ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP 408,171.9 Total renewable energy generated from solar panels kWh 37.87% Percentage of energy saved by utilising renewable energy generated FY 2023 Began reporting on Scope 3 emissions for employee business travel in 55 OUR SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT