125 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Gender Diversity and Inclusion The company has long understood the importance of diversity and inclusion. The commitment to diversity is embedded in our Sustainability Policy that sets out DRMSB's values. the composition and quality of the Board should be in keeping with the size and its investment portfolio, business direction, and status as the REIT Manager of two listed Funds. A diverse Board with a range of views enhances decision-making, which is beneficial to the Manager’s/ Fund’s long-term success in the interests of the stakeholders. To date, the REIT Manager’s Board composition comprises one female Director, Ms Lailatul Azma binti Abdullah who was appointed as Independent Non-Executive Director on 16 December 2022. In this respect, the Board has complied with Bursa Malaysia’s requirement to have at least one woman director by 2023. When selecting Directors, the process is based on objective criteria and there is no discrimination on any gender, personal, or physical attributes that would not speak to such a person’s ability to perform as a Director. All Board appointments are made on merit, in the context of the skills and experience the Board as a whole requires to be effective. The Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“BNRC”) reviews and assesses Board composition on behalf of the Board and recommends the appointment of new Directors. In reviewing Board composition, BNRC will consider the benefits of all aspects of diversity to maintain an appropriate range and balance of skills, experience, and background on the Board and with due regard for the benefits of diversity on the Board. It also oversees the conduct of the annual assessment of Board effectiveness. As part of the annual performance evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board, Board Committees, and individual Directors, the BNRC will consider the balance of skills, experience, independence, and knowledge on the Board and the diverse representation of the Board. The Board takes cognizant of the Main Market Listing Requirement which requires the promotion of greater diversity and inclusivity in Board Composition; and currently, one female Director is already on Board. The Board is also aware that Clause G5.9 of the MCCG 2021 states that “All boards should comprise at least 30% women directors”. The BNRC has identified and shortlisted the candidates to fill in the position and is currently in the final stage of selecting and recommending the appropriate candidates to Board and the Shareholders for their ultimate approval. It is expected that the 30% target will be met by 2027. As such, with respect to Practice 5.9 of the MCCG, the REIT Manager’s Departs from the Practice. The board will continue to scout for women directors to sit on board in the coming years, taking into account diverse perspectives and insights based on the candidate’s integrity, independence, diversity in terms of age, gender, cultural background and experience, leadership, and ability to exercise sound judgment. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT