Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2023

A SYNOPSIS OF OUR SUSTAINABILITY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ROBUST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SUSTAINABLE TRUST FUND ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP STRONG SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 100% of operations were assessed for corruption related risks and recorded Zero incidents of corruption 100% of procurement budget spent on local suppliers Recorded a 5% reduction in Scope 3 emissions Total energy consumption reduced by 5% Employees received 920 hours of training in total Recorded Zero fatalities across the Fund Invested a total of RM8,700 on community initiatives Zero employee dismissal due to non-compliance with the Anti-Bribery and AntiCorruption (“ABAC”) Policy 50% of new suppliers were screened using environmental criteria while 61% suppliers were assessed for their environmental impact 96% of employees received anti-corruption training Zero cases of data breach incidents recorded Emissions reduction Energy reduction 43 SUSTAINABILLITY STATEMENTS 1 2 4 5 6 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2023