Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2020

AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT Annual Report 2020 112 Statements of Changes in Net Asset Value For the Year Ended 31 December 2020 <---------------- Distributable -----------------> Foreign Total currency Total Unitholders’ undistributed translation unitholders’ Note capital Realised Unrealised income reserve fund RM RM RM RM RM RM The Group At 1 January 2019 731,398,126 43,751,369 182,144,969 225,896,338 (9,496,498) 947,797,966 Profit for the year - 63,408,990 12,752,747 76,161,737 - 76,161,737 Other comprehensive loss - - - - (8,039,546) (8,039,546) Total comprehensive income/(loss) - 63,408,990 12,752,747 76,161,737 (8,039,546) 68,122,191 Transactions with unitholders: Income distributions 9 - (57,406,817) - (57,406,817) - (57,406,817) At 31 December 2019 731,398,126 49,753,542 194,897,716 244,651,258 (17,536,044) 958,513,340 At 1 January 2020 731,398,126 49,753,542 194,897,716 244,651,258 (17,536,044) 958,513,340 Profit for the year - 56,984,413 (44,413,011) 12,571,402 - 12,571,402 Other comprehensive income - - - - 12,001,396 12,001,396 Total comprehensive income/(loss) - 56,984,413 (44,413,011) 12,571,402 12,001,396 24,572,798 Transactions with unitholders: Income distributions 9 - (39,595,977) - (39,595,977) - (39,595,977) At 31 December 2020 731,398,126 67,141,978 150,484,705 217,626,683 (5,534,648) 943,490,161