Unless otherwise stated or redefined, all abbreviations and definitions used herein shall have the same meanings as those used in the Company’s announcements in relation to the Proposals (“Announcements”)
We refer to the conditional share sale agreement dated 19 September 2022 entered into between Iconic, Dato’ Seri Tan Kean Tet and Tan Seok Ying for the Proposed Acquisition and supplemental letter to the SPA dated 15 December 2022.
On behalf of the Company, M&A Securities Sdn Bhd wishes to announce that the parties to the SPA have mutually agreed to extend the long stop date of the SPA until 18 September 2023 to fulfil the conditions precedent.
Save as disclosed above, there are no other variations to the terms and conditions of the SPA.
This announcement is dated 20 June 2023.