ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2022

ENRA Group Berhad | Annual Report 2022 25 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Consistent with the underlying intention and regulations on Sustainability, ENRA is committed to achieve continuous business growth and long-lasting positive impact that will benefit the economy, environment and society as a whole. ENRA is fully aware that it must act responsibly to be a going concern entity driven by strong and positive motives of Profit, People and Planet (“3Ps”). A. Our Period, Area and Segment Coverage This Sustainability Report (“Report”) covers our reporting period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, for our operations in Malaysia, Myanmar, and the United Kingdom under our Energy Services and Property Development divisions based on their revenue and asset contributions to the Group, and the impact the Group has with respect to EES. ENRA Kimia and its Australian-based subsidiary ICE, which were included in previous Reports are not considered for this Report as it ceased to be a subsidiary following a corporate exercise that took place during the year under review. B. Our Sustainability Governance Structure Considering the Group’s culture, needs, business divisions, size, sustainability-related risks and opportunities, and maturity in responding to sustainability matters, our Board had in November 2017 approved our sustainability governance structure and the establishment of a Sustainability Working Group (“SWG”) to coordinate and supervise Ethical - To make decisions that promote goodness and avoids harm Noble - To behave in a manner that is respectful to others Reliable - To keep and deliver on promises that have been made Accountable - To take ownership of all outcomes and never passing blame Our Shared Values