Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

03 PUTTING STRATEGY INTO ACTION 04 DELIVERING SUSTAINABLE VALUE Performance by Capitals See page 34 To ensure our business operations and growth are wellsupported, we leverage six capitals, comprising both financial and non-financial resources. This enables us to effectively execute our value-creating strategy and seize opportunities for growth. FC Financial Capital: Our financial strength propels us forward. We use our earnings to finance our strategic aspirations, grow our business, and invest in the development of other types of capital. HC Human Capital: Our employees are the backbone of the Group. We invest in their development and skills to execute our strategic purpose with precision. IC Intellectual Capital: We blend innovation with heritage. Our technological advancements reinforce our VBI values and enhance our competitive edge. NC Natural Capital: Our sustainability journey starts with the environment. We’re committed to reducing our ecological footprint by minimising our use of natural resources. SR Social and Relationship Capital: Our stakeholder relationships provide the trust and support needed to drive our strategy forward. Strong stakeholder relationships are the foundation of our shared and sustainable success. MC Manufactured Capital: Our branches, ATMs, offices, and other facilities are essential in meeting the financial needs of our customers and society at large. These assets provide the necessary infrastructure and resources to deliver our products and services effectively and enable a seamless customer experience. How We Create Value See page 30 Our ultimate purpose as an Islamic bank is to create sustainable value for our diverse range of stakeholders. This means generating strong financial returns for our shareholders, delivering essential financial products and services to our customers, nurturing the careers of our employees, fostering shared prosperity within our community, and contributing to a better future that benefits everyone. 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VALUE CREATION AT BANK ISLAM