Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS INTO NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE We recognise the essential connection between our financial strength and our broader corporate responsibilities. Therefore, we strategically directed our resources into key growth areas and initiatives that reflect our responsibility towards our stakeholders and the environment: • Enhancing Digital and Customer-centricity: Digital innovation lies at the core of our strategy to refine customer experiences, emphasising speed and adaptability in our service offerings. By embracing advanced technologies and hiring experts with deep digital acumen, we accelerate our digital journey. This approach aids in gathering and analysing customer insights, which supports our efforts to enhance NIM through improved customer engagement. • Embracing Sustainability: Our identity as an Islamic financial institution is intertwined with our commitment to Valuebased Intermediation (VBI) and adherence to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards. We ensure our operations are beneficial and ethical, aligning with Shariah principles. Our stance on avoiding coal financing reflects our environmental dedication. Additionally, we engage in activities aimed at promoting sustainability, such as making our branch operations more efficient, advancing paperless banking, and assessing flexible work options to achieve environmental and economic benefits. • Fostering Social Contributions: The Sadaqa House initiative illustrates our approach to community engagement, offering a platform for meaningful wealth distribution. This programme allows us to extend support to those in need in a manner that is mindful of our financial framework and shareholder interests. Our actions in this area are designed to be impactful, measurable, and in harmony with our ethical banking standards. FY2019 12.45 6.05 6.40 FY2020 10.92 5.37 5.55 FY2021 10.93 FY2022 13.80 3.40 10.40 FY2023 16.81 4.22 12.59 DIVIDEND PER SHARE (SEN) Interim Second Final Dividend Payout Ratio (against Bank Islam’s PAZT) 10.93 49.9% 49.9% 60.0% 60.0% 41.9% 28 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad ◆ Integrated Annual Report 2023 Financial Review by the GCFO