Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

Central to our mission is the creation of a workplace that is not only welcoming and inclusive but also respectful of all individuals. This is manifested in several key policies designed to promote a culture of inclusivity and respect across the organisation. We also have a strict policy against employing individuals under the age of 18, aligning with our ethical standards and dedication to responsible employment practices. Furthermore, we offer family-friendly policies such as parental leave to support our employees in achieving a healthy work-life balance. Through these efforts, Bank Islam reaffirms our commitment to diversity and inclusion, positioning itself as a forward-thinking organisation dedicated to creating a positive impact in our community and beyond. The Vision for 2024 In 2024, Bank Islam is enhancing talent and leadership development to align with our sustainable business vision. Key focuses include refining succession planning, promoting dynamic talent mobility, implementing targeted engagement strategies, and updating young talent programmes to ensure a future-proof workforce. DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Diversity and inclusion are central to our strategy because we recognise that a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial for sustainable growth and success. By fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected and free from discrimination, we create a supportive and productive workplace. This positive atmosphere not only benefits our employees but also enhances the experience and satisfaction of our customers. The Overall Approach Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is at the heart of our strategic vision and core values. We strive to foster a culture where diversity is embraced, and every individual is treated fairly and given equal opportunities, irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, or socioeconomic background. Our comprehensive DEI policy underpins this ethos, ensuring our practices in recruitment, retention, and advancement prioritise merit and align with our commitment to equity. Respect and Fairness We commit to the highest standards of respect, dignity, and fairness, embracing diversity across race, gender, age, and other individual differences. Non-Discriminatory Environment We ensure a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and bias, creating a safe and positive environment for everyone. Equal Opportunities We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for professional growth and career advancement, regardless of their background or personal characteristics. Policy Review and Feedback We regularly evaluate our policies for alignment with equitable practices and actively incorporate employee feedback to refine our approach. Accountability Every employee shares the responsibility to uphold DEI principles. Violations are addressed swiftly and fairly, consistent with our disciplinary procedures. Training and Development Recognising the value of continuous learning and development, we provide comprehensive training to enhance diversity understanding and foster an inclusive culture. 138 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad ◆ Integrated Annual Report 2023 Social Impact