Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP We remain steadfast in protecting the environment, and this commitment goes beyond merely complying with regulatory requirements. We strive to be responsible environmental stewards in all aspects of our business operations. By integrating sustainable practices into our day-to-day activities, we continuously identify and adopt new ways to reduce our environmental impact and promote sustainability within the financial industry. Our commitment to environmental stewardship is not only essential for preserving the environment but also for enhancing our business reputation. By implementing cost-efficient and sustainable practices throughout our operations, we are positioning ourselves as a responsible corporate citizen, building stronger relationships with our stakeholders, and contributing towards building a more sustainable future for all. Progress in 2022 1 Water Management Responsible water use is a key aspect of our environmental stewardship efforts, and we have taken various measures to promote sustainable water practices. In 2022, we implemented water conservation measures in our operations to reduce our water footprint. For example, BIMB’s green branch in Temerloh, Pahang, uses a rainwater harvesting system to collect and reuse natural resources to promote the efficient use of water. 2021 2022 Total Water Consumption (m3) 68,569.36 180,413.00 Increased consumption due to employees returning to office 2 Waste Management We are working to reduce the amount of waste we produce by implementing initiatives such as paperless transactions and digital document storage, reducing packaging waste, and encouraging the use of reusable products. Additionally, we strive to continuously reduce our paper consumption by implementing initiatives such as digital document management, paperless transactions, and electronic communications. This includes offering electronic statements and bills to customers, as well as promoting the use of online banking and mobile apps to reduce paper usage. 2021 2022 Sheets of Paper Used 36,426,600 42,064,650 Increased consumption due to employees returning to office Outlook BIMB plans to expand its network by opening five new green branches in 2023. These green branches will be designed and constructed with environmental sustainability, featuring energy-efficient systems, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly materials. The opening of these new green branches is part of BIMB’s wider efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices in its operations. We recognise the importance of environmental sustainability and aim to lead by example in the banking industry by incorporating green practices into its operations and services. Integrated Report 2022 124 Environmental Impact