Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

6 Key Message About Our Repor t Over v i ew of Bank I s lam M E S S A G E F R O M T H E CHAIRMAN In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh This is my first statement for Bank Islam after assuming my ɥɁɰȈɽȈɁȶ Ȉȶ ʍǼʍɰɽ ѵѳѵѳӗ ʥȃljȶ ɽȃlj ɥƃȶǁljȴȈƺ ƃȶǁ Ȉɽɰ Ȉȴɥƃƺɽ was escalating. Firstly, I would like to congratulate my ɥɨljǁljƺljɰɰɁɨӗ Aƃɽʍȟ ŹƃȴƃȶȈ ƹǁʍȢ {ȃƃȶȈӗ ʥȃɁ ɥɁɰȈɽȈʤljȢʰ contributed to the current strong fundamentals of the bank, giving me a springboard for future action. ŚȈɽȃ ɽȃlj ɨƃɥȈǁ ɰɥɨljƃǁ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj ȶɁʤljȢ :ɁɨɁȶƃʤȈɨʍɰ ӯ:ÝřŽAӸѴѼӰӗ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ѵѳѵѳ ɥɁɰljǁ ƃȶ ljʯȈɰɽljȶɽȈƃȢ ɽȃɨljƃɽ ɽɁ ȃʍȴƃȶȈɽʰӝ Ślj witnessed how the impact of the pandemic on politics, economy, society and technology across the world were unprecedented by all measures. Supply chain disruptions and movement restrictions adversely affected trade and commerce. Many businesses were unprepared, with inadequate mechanisms to mitigate the impact at scale across their respective value chains. Economic uncertainties, political instabilities, productivity and income losses, cross-border tensions, and price wars further exacerbated the situation. ŚȈɽȃ :ÝřŽAӸѴѼ ƺƃɰljɰ ɰɁƃɨȈȶǼӸʍɥ ɽȃɨɁʍǼȃɁʍɽ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨӗ ɰɁƺȈƃȢ inequalities were more evident especially with the lack of access to wealth, finance and basic health and protection, making the disadvantaged and at-risk communities even more vulnerable. At Bank Islam, we mobilised our resources and networks to raise awareness on various precautionary measures, mainly to safeguard the health and wellbeing of both people and ƹʍɰȈȶljɰɰljɰӝ Ślj ȢljʤljɨƃǼljǁ Ɂȶ ljʤljɨʰ ɁɥɥɁɨɽʍȶȈɽʰ ɽɁ ƺɁȶȶljƺɽ with our stakeholders, understand their specific challenges and provide priority solutions to help them manage the Ȉȴɥƃƺɽ Ɂǹ :ÝřŽAӸѴѼӝ Žȶ ɽȃlj ȴȈǁɰɽ Ɂǹ ɽȃȈɰ ȃljƃȢɽȃ ƺɨȈɰȈɰ ȃɁʥljʤljɨӗ we have also witnessed the indomitable spirit of humanity, the strong will of businesses to persevere and withstand the test of time, and above all, a new impetus to better prepare our people to manage such risks in future. DEAR STAKEHOLDERS,