Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

NAVIGATION ICONS COMBINED ASSURANCE The credibility, reliability and completeness of the information presented in this IAR are assured by our Group’s adherence to the principles of good governance. This IAR was prepared and reviewed guided by IIRC Framework. Together with the annual financial statements, ɽȃȈɰ ɨljɥɁɨɽ ʥƃɰ ɰʍƹȴȈɽɽljǁ ɽɁ ɽȃlj 9Ɂƃɨǁ Ɂǹ AȈɨljƺɽɁɨɰ ӯ9ɁƃɨǁӰ for approval. Assurance for this report was provided by our Board, supported by external verification, our auditors for financial information and providers of limited assurance on selected non-financial information. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This IAR contains certain forward-looking statements relating to Bank Islam’s future performances and prospects. These statements and forecasts are based on current assumptions, judgements and involve uncertainties as circumstances which may change. Various factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements such as a number of emerging risks as well as other factors that could adversely impact our business and financial performance. As such, these forward-looking statements should not be construed as guarantees to Bank Islam’s future performance. Tan Sri Dr Ismail Haji Bakar Chairman APPROVAL BY THE BOARD Bank Islam’s Board acknowledges its responsibility in ensuring the integrity of this IAR, which in the Board’s opinion addresses material issues to the Group’s ability to create value and fairly presents Bank Islam’s performance ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ѵѳѵѳӝ ěȃȈɰ ȶȶʍƃȢ ĄljɥɁɨɽ ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ljȶǁljǁ ѶѴ Aljƺljȴƹljɨ ѵѳѵѳ ʥƃɰ ƃɥɥɨɁʤljǁ ƹʰ ɽȃlj 9Ɂƃɨǁ Ɂȶ Ѵ °ʍȢʰ ѵѳѵѴӗ ƃȶǁ ɰȈǼȶljǁ on its behalf by: OUR STRATEGIC PILLARS Real Economy Customer- centricity Values-Based Culture Community Empowerment AȈǼȈɽƃȢȈɰƃɽȈɁȶ Sustainable Prosperity RISKS Investors Customers Government & Regulators Employees Local Communities OUR STAKEHOLDER GROUP OUR MATERIAL MATTERS Responsible Finance Talent Enrichment Islamic Finance & Knowledge Sharing Inclusive Growth Ethical Practice & Reporting CAPITALS Manufactured Capital Financial Capital Social and Relationship Capital Natural Capital Intellectual Capital Human Capital Regulatory/ Compliance Risk Credit Risk Market Risk Liquidity Risk Operational Risk Information Technology (IT) Risk Shariah Non-Compliance (SNC) Risk