Key Management Team

Dato’ Chong Yong HanProperty Director

Malaysian, Male, Aged 52

He was appointed as a Property Manager in Property Development Department of MKH Berhad and was later promoted to General Manager of Property Department in December 2002, Group Senior General Manager in April 2007 and Property Director in March 2013.

He graduated from Lincoln University, New Zealand with Bachelor of Commerce (Valuation and Property Management) in year 1994 and obtained his MBA (Real Estate) in year 2000 from University of Western Sydney, Australia.

He has more than 21 years of experience in property development and construction related businesses. He specializes in development planning and marketing.

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Dato’ Chen Way KianDeputy Property Director

Malaysian, Male, Aged 39

He holds a Bachelor of Business from University of Technology, Sydney. He joined MKH Berhad in 2005 and has been appointed as the Deputy Property Director of MKH Berhad on March 2015. Prior to his appointment to the present position, he was Special Assistant to the Group Executive Chairman since 2011. He has been in the property development and agricultural sectors for more than 15years.

He is the son of Tan Sri Dato’ Chen Kooi Chiew @ Cheng Ngi Chong and the nephew of Tan Sri Datuk Chen Lok Loi and Datuk Chen Fook Wah who are members of the Board of the Company.

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Ms. Kok Siew YinChief Financial Officer

Malaysian, Female, Aged 51

She is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA).

She is the Chief Financial Officer for MKH Berhad group of companies. She has more than 18 years of audit experience in property development, construction, hotels, retail, manufacturing and timber plantation industry. She was also involved in corporate advisory and has experience in financial valuation and financial due diligence for companies. She joined MKH Group in 2004 as a Corporate Finance Manager and was promoted to Financial Controller in 2008 and Chief Financial Officer in 2015.

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Mr. Tan Wan SanTreasury Director / Group Company Secretary

Malaysian, Male, Aged 55

He is the Treasury Director and Group Company Secretary for MKH Berhad group of companies. Prior to joining MKH Berhad Group in 1996, he was with a bank. He graduated from Universiti Utara Malaysia with a Bachelor Degree in Accountancy (Honours) and is a Chartered Accountant registered with the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”), and is a member of Certified Practising Accountant (“CPA”), Australia. He was promoted to Chief Treasury Officer in 2015 and subsequently to Treasury Director in 2023.

He has more than 29 years of senior-level management experience in company secretarial, legal and treasury matters.

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En. Ahmad Yani SulaimanGeneral Manager

Malaysian, Male, Aged 57

He was appointed as a Senior Manager in Property Development Department of MKH Berhad in 2007 and was promoted to General Manager in 2016.

He started his career as an auditor in 1991 upon graduating from ITM in Accounting Studies.

In 2001, he joined a property developer and was overseeing the Sales and Marketing portfolio and was later redesignated to be a Project Manager overseeing property development.

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